Monday, March 18, 2013

Blowing in the Wind

I was out jogging a few days ago, trying to clear my mind of all the craziness that has been put on our plate lately. We have had some huge (and painful) decisions to make. It has been difficult. It has been stressful. It has been hard. There have been days when I wake-up in the morning and just pull the covers over my head and pray. I have been praying for guidance, direction, help to find our way.

As I was out contemplating life, I saw this huge pile of tumbleweeds. There were so many of them. They were in a large pile, all smashed together. They had been blown by the wind -- at the mercy of the wind. They were tossed around because they did not have their roots firmly planted on a solid foundation. They were not "free" as they may appear -- they are subject to the wind. The wind could blow them wherever it so desired. The tumbleweeds had no control. Back and forth, to and fro. Wherever the wind might blow.

And there it was . . . my answer:

Roots. Solid. Foundation.

In all the decisions we have been making, the thing we need most is a solid foundation for our family. We need to plant our roots firm, so that we are not "blowing in the wind."

In our case, we need to get out of debt. A LOT of debt. (Law School Student Loans, Mortgage.)

And so, we are going to make some drastic changes.

Big changes.

I will let you know when we have all the details worked out, just what those changes are. It should be "exciting!"

To be continued . . .


  1. I like the analogy of the tumbleweed not being free as they appear, but instead being subject to the wind since their roots aren't firmly planted. Thanks, I think I'll use that for a future FHE. :)
    Hang in there through all the changes!

  2. Interesting you should mention the wind and firm foundations. Just last week, we were experiencing a fierce wind storm for 2 days in Wasilla. It was bitter cold and unsettling
    to go outside. After 2 days of feeling cooped up and irritated, I prayed and asked Heavenly Father what He would have me do to overcome the wind. His answer was clear:
    "hold on to your firm foundation." The impression I felt was to remember the words of Helaman 5:12 (one of my favorite scriptures), and I'm paraphrasing here: 'Be built upon the Rock of
    your Redeemer, so that when the whirlwinds blow, they will have no power to make you fall because of the firm foundation upon which ye are built.' I understood exactly what I was suppose
    to do . I was not to let the wind control my attitude or how I felt. I have a firm foundation. I was to be like the Savior and do good continually. He is our Rock. He will not let us fall or fail
    as long as we choose to plant our roots deeply with HIm as the Master Gardener.

    You are all in our prayers (Grandma and Grandpa too) during this transitional time. Always remember, sacrifice brings blessings.

