I have not had a Church calling since April. (A "calling" is a formal Church assignment, inspired by God, given to members of the Church. For example, a calling can be: Sunday school teacher, working with the youth, leading music, playing the organ, temple worker, passing out the programs, serving as the Bishop, and ALL other offices of the church from serving in Nursery to the Prophet. The Church operates with volunteers at the helm.)
Prior to this time, I think the longest I have ever gone without a calling is about a month, maybe?
Now, you might think that I am concerned about it -- worried that I am not needed, or unimportant to the cause of moving the work forward. That is not the case. I have actually been enjoying my lovely calling-respite. Charles and I have both had time together as family during the week, and on Sundays. We have had a season of relative peace, and it has been wonderful! We have enjoyed it very much. And after our last few years of strange home moves, baby illnesses, and business changes -- it has been a much needed respite, and recovery time.
Before we moved out of our home ward for a year (that we are back in now), Charles was the Young Men's President -- a very involved calling, requiring a lot of time and effort. He loved his calling, and he was in calling-heaven being with the boys. He got to go camping, and do all sorts of fun things. It took a lot of time, yes, but our family was tremendously blessed for it. He was actually called to that calling the exact same time he started his own Law firm. It was a scary time for our family, but we saw miracles in many forms. Too many miracles to number. It was inspired timing.
We were also Youth Pioneer Trek parents at the same time, which required lots of planning, meetings, activities, and preparation -- spiritually and physically. I was also a Relief Society teacher at the time (best calling EVER!), so that made it nice, as far as time needed from me. All I had to do was prepare a Sunday lesson. We had 3 young children, and so we were kept quite busy, as it were.
We were so involved, with lots of people. We had firesides in our home, and constant people knocking on our door all the time. It was a time filled with a lot of work, but it was also a very invigorating, and enlivening time. It is funny how service can do that for you. I actually had a personal blessing right before all of the people-involvement that stated, "Your life will soon be full of people." I saw that blessing literally unveiled before my eyes -- we had people around us everywhere! Mostly in the form of teenagers -- which are my favorite kind of people!
It was an awesome time. So lively, and exciting. It was a special time -- we will never forget it.
But it is so different now . . . a very different time. I would say our life is not really full of people like it once was. It is quiet. It is restful. It is, well, a unique and different time and season for our family.
Right now Charles is with the young Scouts, which is basically a Tuesday night calling, and I am currently without a calling. And it has, honestly, been strange! We went from massive amounts of people, and involvement -- to hearing crickets. The contrast is almost comical. Though it has not been an unwelcome difference, as life has taken on a hastened speed lately. It has felt like we have been riding a carousel, that keeps going faster and faster, and we cannot get off!
I met with a member of our Bishopric not too long ago, and they mentioned being sympathetic to our families needs, with Henry's health issues, etc., in regards to not extending a calling to me. And though the health issues hardly cross my mind, and our family is actually in a really good way right now, I have still felt this time without a calling has not been without reason. I still feel like this "callingless" time has been inspired. I have had time to learn and grow in ways -- even unexpected ways -- by not having a formal assignment.
I have tried not to sit spiritually-twiddling my thumbs. I have tried to find other ways to serve in my sphere, with my emphasis being on Family History work. (I am almost to 3000 names indexed! WooHoo!) There is always work to be done -- with, or without, a specific calling.
However, I do think Church callings help you grow in very specific ways. I have always felt like when I receive a call to an assignment, that it is almost like a way of defining where I am at during that specific time in my life. I do believe that callings are inspired of God, and that those who are extending the callings are inspired as well.
I do try to fulfill whatever call I am given, to the best of my ability at the time.
There has been only one time in my life where I have had to ask to be released from a calling. It was during the same time when Charles was the Young Men's President, and we were involved in the Pioneer Youth Trek. During this time -- before being called as a Relief Society teacher -- I was called to be the Primary girls Activity Day leader. I fulfilled the calling for awhile, until I felt utterly overwhelmed -- to the point of exhaustion. All of our callings involved lots of activity planning and preparation, and middle-of-the-week involvement from both of us, and we were also trying to keep our business running (I help Charles with the business from home) -- not to mention nurturing little children that live in our home. I had been stretched too far, for where I was mentally and physically, at the time.
I can remember lying in my bed crying over it, actually. I struggled against myself, until I decided it was time to go and talk to the Bishop about my concerns. And guess what the kind Bishop said? Before I could finish my tear-filled sentence, he told me I would be released right away, and that I should not worry about it for one second. He then shared some comforting words with me, and lifted my aching spirit. I felt a HUGE relief as I went home that night. My anxiety was gone. We have an awesome Bishop, who is very thoughtful, and concerned for the welfare of all. He lifted my burden quickly, and I felt NO guilt for admitting I was not capable at the time, to handle everything. Superwoman I am NOT!
Besides that experience, I have accepted every calling I have received. And I have been blessed for it. What does the future hold in the way of callings? I have no idea . . . I'd like to say I have an inkling, or have been leaning my thoughts one way, or another, towards where I might go -- but that is not the case. Well, maybe I have had some thoughts about a certain calling, but it was just a quick flicker of an image, really. A little vision that popped in my head -- but it was probably nothing. ;-)
Right now, we have just had a HUGE ward change. We have almost doubled the amount of people that attend, and there are changes all around, in every aspect of the ward, many callings will change. So it leaves me a little anxious to know if maybe, just maybe -- I might have something coming my way too!
One thing I know about myself is I am not a leader -- I am a teacher. I have never held a leadership calling, ever. I have almost always been a teacher. Being a teacher is what I love the most!
Here is a list of callings I have had...
Primary Music Chorister (I was 19 at the time!)
Primary Teacher: Nursery-to 12 year olds -- I have taught every.single.age.
Young Women's: 2nd Counselor
Young Women's: Beehive Advisor
Young Women's: Laurel Advisor
Young Women's Secretary
Youth Sunday School Teacher
Relief Society Teacher
Visiting Teaching Coordinator
Ward Activities Coordinator
Pioneer Youth Trek Parent
I am a teacher at heart. I would stink as someone in charge. There are women made for that role, and it is not me. But teaching . . . LOVE it!
I am sure I am one of many in our ward wondering where I will end up next. And it is always an exciting time to wonder what calling you will be asked to fulfill . . . it is exciting to wondering where God needs you.
I should know . . . I have been excited for 9 months. ;-)
Well, we'd love to have you in primary! As you said you are a teacher at heart and we need several primary teachers. However, knowing your feelings about serving there we won't push it. ;) I think you'll be safe from that, even though I think it is a pretty good place to be.:) It will be interesting to see how the chips fall with all these new people. I'm sure your time will come sooner than later.
ReplyDeleteHope you get a calling soon.
ReplyDeleteI was recently called to be Mia Maid advisor! First time I've been in YW since before I was married.