Thursday, February 28, 2013

New Beginnings

 Last night, Sammi was presented as a new Beehive in the Young Women program. (She will be joining them in July.) I cannot believe how fast my first baby has grown. My only girl. My princess. My Sammi Sunshine. Oh how grateful I am she was sent to me! She is the most glorious daughter I could have ever hoped for. She makes me want to be a better person. :-) I have loved watching her grow and develop over the years. One of my favorite things about her is she is passionate about things (you could call it obsessed, too). She is very motivated. I especially love to hear her play the piano, since I was never disciplined enough to learn. She can play for me while I sing, which is a unique and special experience. She is fabulous. Yes, I gush. I can't help it! I love this girl. 

The New Beginnings program was really lovely. The push this year is for family history work, so I was loving that! They were given a key to represent being the key to the salvation of their ancestors, by doing their temple work. Such a cute handout. 
Sammi was happy to be there. They asked her a few questions about herself, including who was her favorite super-hero. She said, "Iron Man . . . because he reminds her of her dad." :-) Cute. 
 Oh time . . . will you ever slow down?? 

 I went from holding Sammi as a small baby . . . now Sammi is holding my smallest baby. 
How did that happen? 
I love you girlie! 
I dreamed a dream . . . of a daughter exactly like you.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The PMS Apple

Enough said. 

My dad brought one home for me today . . . my hero! :-) 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I am a Child of God

My cousins and uncles singing at a family baptism. Love it! Look how handsome they are! I love the family sound!

Change is Certain

We are moving.
It is unexpected. 
After signing a renewal on our lease with the rental company, the owner decided that she would like to sell it in the Spring. We don't want to leave, we have actually grown quite fond of this home. It is the home of Henry's birth -- and entire life. We have had fun times, happy holidays, and made many memories here. I have never wanted to not leave a home, and have some exciting change -- but I don't want to leave here. This is a first for me. I will be sad to go. It has been good. 
Now we are on the hunt . . . the House Hunt. 
Never a dull moment around here. 
One day we will be "stable." 
Probably not. :-) 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Protect the Children

I put this video together for my lesson . . . may we hear the Prayer of the Children. 
Today I was privileged to teach a lesson in Relief Society about protecting children. I taught from the General Conference message given by Elder Oaks in the last conference. You can view that: Here. It was a very powerful message, very blunt, and to the point -- my favorite kind. It was a worldwide message, but I tried to make it a little more personal, and applicable. 

"We are all under the Savior’s command to love and care for each other and especially for the weak and defenseless. Children are highly vulnerable. They have little or no power to protect or provide for themselves and little influence on so much that is vital to their well-being. Children need others to speak for them, and they need decision makers who put their well-being ahead of selfish adult interests. -Elder Oaks
We need to see children as the blessings they really are, and not burdens that get in the way of our selfish desires, and aspirations. They are treasures. Precious above all things. We need to help them, love them, protect them. 

Children are an heritage of the Lord. The word heritage means:

1. Property that is or can be inherited; an inheritance.
2. Something that is passed down from preceding generations; a tradition.
3. The status acquired by a person through birth; a birthright

Children are on loan to us from God. He is allowing us to borrow them, to take care of them, and then return them to Him. 

I felt prompted to focus most of the lesson on the damage that psychological abuse can cause. We have so much power over the children around us -- for good, or evil. One positive, or negative, self-defining word can change the course of their very lives. The things we say to them, and about them, will have a lasting effect that will shape their minds and their spirit. We need to choose our words wisely, carefully. We need to build them up -- not tear them down. 

I think we all have words in our minds that were put their by someone else: You are smart, you are pretty/handsome, you can do it, you are a winner, you are amazing. Or, you are stupid, you are ugly, you are a failure, you are mediocre, you can't do it, you are lame. Words are powerful. A force for good or evil. Consider how those negative words made you feel, and consider how better words can flow from your mouth! 

You have the power to make -- or break -- a child. And not just your own, but children all around you.

Choose carefully how you treat children . . . God is watching. We are commanded to PROTECT them.  And most of all . . . LOVE them. Just love them. 

Thursday, February 21, 2013


 Henry is such a sweet, fun, boy. Except in the night. My poor baby has been teething like crazy, and I feel like we are back to newborn sleeping habits. For the last month he has been waking-up more than 5 times a night. It is like the twilight zone for me. I go to bed knowing I will not get any really great sleep. He was sleeping through the night with only one wake-up, but this teething thing has been awful. He has 4 on top 3 on bottom. They have all come in the last month! Poor thing. It would not be so bad, but I have been trying to run daily, and it is hard to get the healing sleep that I need! Oh well, this too shall pass. :-) 

Good thing he is cute. 
 AhhhhHHHH . . . . CHOO!! 
 Henry loves William. A lot. 
 Love this stance. He kept going lower and lower . . . and then grandma made me get him. :-) 
Only a few more months and we will know if this little boy will need kidney surgery, or not. We are hopeful.  I cannot imagine having to take him all perfect and happy to go under the knife. 
We just keep praying! 
That's all you can do, right?! 

Monday, February 18, 2013

I love being a Mommy

 There is nothing better!

I have been at this mom thing for almost 12 years now. I have devoted my life to their care, and nurturing. I have stayed home with them to love them, and teach them. I cannot think of a better way that I could have spent those 12 years . . . I am very blessed, and I know it. 


It was time for a little hair-help. My hair gets so bulky, and thick -- I HAVE to go and have it thinned-out and cut, so I can get a brush through my thick horse mane. 

Ahhhhh . . . so much better! 
It is always SUCH a relief. Like having a huge weight lifted. 
 Sammi came along with me for her first REAL haircut EVER! (I have been the one to cut it in the past.) She loved having her hair done. She also has super-thick hair that is hard to brush through and manage. She had her hair cut and thinned as well, and it is so much better, so much healthier!
 So nice. 

We had a fun time as mommy and daughter. She was fascinated with the whole process, she watched the whole event of me getting my hair done (it takes 3 hours!). It is always so refreshing to be relieved of some bulk! 

Friday, February 15, 2013

The Sky is Falling . . .

After waking-up to the news about the meteor exploding over Russia, I looked up in the sky here in Boise and saw this . . .

 Sure it was only a jet stream -- but it sure made me look twice! 

Crazy things are happening. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

This year we had to make 90 + Valentines. The kids like to make their own, so the day before Valentine's requires some time and effort on our part. 

Here is Sammi working away . . . or is she watching a movie? 

Daniel working hard
 William working hard
 William's Valentines . . .
 Daniel gets Kudos this year for the most creative . . . Origami Yoda. He made a BUNCH of them! 
 Sammi sticking with the Phantom theme
 and Bags
 and Bags 
  And lucky me, my father-in-law sent me (us) these yummy berries! YUM! 

Happy Valentine's Day! 

Monday, February 11, 2013

Random Picture Update

The following is a picture update. I have been slacking! Some are random, and some are of the trip Sammi and Daniel took with their grandma and grandpa to see the BYU production of The Phantom of the Opera. (Lucky Ducks!) They had an amazing time. They are both obsessed with the musical. They love the music. They sing and play it all day long (with some Les Mis thrown in there, too). I love that they love music so much. I have never forced it on them, we just live music in our home -- it is as natural as breathing. The music from our favorites -- Phantom and Les Mis -- is just so haunting, it stays with you. I have the song "Bring Him Home" in my head right now! If you want your kids to love music, just infuse music into your everyday life! 

I am just going to slap the pictures up here, so I don't forget to post them! Oh, and I have been posting more pictures on  

Sam and Dan traveling with Grandma and Grandpa to Utah . . . 

In honor of Phantom they went to eat at a French restaurant 

YUM! Quiche Lorraine. 
Going to see the Hobbit 
Sammi loved the Sax lamp
Hair by Grandma

Snow Day in Utah

Getting ready to go to Phantom 
All dressed-up and ready to go! 

The theater was sold out every night . . . it was an amazing production. 
The kids LOVED it. 
Inside the theater at BYU
More snow-day play

It is nice to have older kids that can make their own food
Cute boy
More cute boy
Hanging out together, with trains.

Like I said, RANDOM!!