Monday, February 18, 2013


It was time for a little hair-help. My hair gets so bulky, and thick -- I HAVE to go and have it thinned-out and cut, so I can get a brush through my thick horse mane. 

Ahhhhh . . . so much better! 
It is always SUCH a relief. Like having a huge weight lifted. 
 Sammi came along with me for her first REAL haircut EVER! (I have been the one to cut it in the past.) She loved having her hair done. She also has super-thick hair that is hard to brush through and manage. She had her hair cut and thinned as well, and it is so much better, so much healthier!
 So nice. 

We had a fun time as mommy and daughter. She was fascinated with the whole process, she watched the whole event of me getting my hair done (it takes 3 hours!). It is always so refreshing to be relieved of some bulk! 

1 comment:

  1. Very cute hair cuts for you both! What a good feeling it is to get it cut and feel like your hair has new life again.
