Saturday, February 9, 2013

Watch Out World . . . They are Coming!

Love this video . . . it is amazing what is happening. The work of God is moving forward in a powerful way!


  1. We learned that last scriputre off by heart on the mission. I LOVE it.
    This video was awesome man.
    Now I'm bawling my eyes out and am SO GRATEFUL to have had the opportunity to serve and am excited for these young people to serve as well.
    It changed my life for the better, and for that I'll always be grateful to the Australian people, my ward back in NZ who helped pay for it and first and foremost the Lord.

  2. i have tried a few times to watch this....the video never downloads for me....

  3. I loved the video. I can't wait to have that moment with my boys!

  4. Thanks for sharing this video Mari. It really made me even more aware of how noble and great our youth are. I am so impressed w/ how many are ready, willing and worthy to serve at
    age 18 and 19. Impressive!

    I loved hearing the hoots and hollers/woo hoos of families and friends celebrating the mission calls together. It must be what a "shout for joy" is like in heaven.

    I love the Lord's plan. It is THE plan of happiness!

