Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

This year we had to make 90 + Valentines. The kids like to make their own, so the day before Valentine's requires some time and effort on our part. 

Here is Sammi working away . . . or is she watching a movie? 

Daniel working hard
 William working hard
 William's Valentines . . .
 Daniel gets Kudos this year for the most creative . . . Origami Yoda. He made a BUNCH of them! 
 Sammi sticking with the Phantom theme
 and Bags
 and Bags 
  And lucky me, my father-in-law sent me (us) these yummy berries! YUM! 

Happy Valentine's Day! 

1 comment:

  1. very cute valentines, way to go kids! and if you don't want those berries....i do. :)
