Tuesday, April 9, 2013

William Sings

My kids are obsessed with Les Mis. They can often be found watching the movie of the stage production, while gleefully singing along. They have also enjoyed the new musical with Hugh Jackman, but it definitely has a few "fast forward parts" -- so they mainly stick with the 25th Anniversary Concert

Anyway, when I say my kids are obsessed, I mean ALL of them. Even William, who is 5. He has been sucked into Sammi and Daniel's world of music, and they all spend hours together playing and singing Les Mis music, as loud as they can. 

The other night, while Charles and I were watching Downton Abbey, William came down and asked if he could sing for me. We chuckled at his attempt to stay up later. But it was William (he is VERY persausive), so we paused our show, and listened as he performed the whole Castle on a Cloud song. It brought tears to my eyes, it was just one of those moments. You know, the moments that are all rose-colored and perfect. It was precious. 

 I wanted William to sing it again for me, so I could catch it on video. 
He was happy to oblige. Here is William . . . 

(I love the outfit he put together, and he wanted "dirt" on his face. He also did NOT want any background music. He wanted to do it on his own. So cute. ) 

Monday, April 8, 2013


  It was General Conference weekend. I love Conference. It is so spiritually rejuvenating. This year we are in the middle of moving/packing, so we put three mattresses on the floor, and everyone sprawled out and enjoyed the full 2 days (8 hours), of pure truth and doctrine, while lying down -- what could be better? I am sure I don't know. :-) 
 We usually print off some Conference color activities, so the kids stay focused. It really helps. 
 On Sunday evening we were all a little restless and ready to get outside. We decided to go for a walk. Just as we pulled into our parking destination we heard thunder above our heads, so we chose to wait it out. We drove up the foothills and watched the storm go by. I adore a good storm, the more windy/violent/exciting the better. It was a decent storm, but I've seen better. 
 Playing in the rain
 I love clouds. Storm clouds are some of the most beautiful of God's creations. 
 We were even treated to a glorious rainbow. 
 The light shining through the darkness. 
 After the storm passed we went for a long walk. It smelled amazing after fresh rain and spring flowers. We stopped to inhale the flowers. Mmmmmmm . . .yummy. 
 If I could just bottle it up and make my house smell like rain and flowers. Amazing. 
 We all enjoyed it. 
 It was chilly, and we were not really well prepared. The rain dropped the temperature down in the 40's.  William was the only one properly dressed. 
 Henry was making funny faces the whole time
 I think it was because he was freezing, but he would not keep his hat on, even when rain was falling on his poor little head. 
After 2 hours of walking in the cool rain-sprinkles, we were all anxious to get home and warm. It was a fun and beautiful walk with rain/thunder/lightning. The sky was blanketed grey, but the earth was freshly kissed by raindrops, alive and painted with vibrant color. It was soggy, but invigorating. 
 Henry was bright red with teeth chattering towards the end. Poor thing. 
 But he was happy to get out and go home! 

I love spring walking! 

Friday, April 5, 2013

People Change . . .Let Them.

You might have looked at him, and walked the other way. You would have requested that your sons find another friend, and you most certainly would not have wanted your daughter to date him. You would have taken one look and thought, "That boy is trouble, he will never make it." Or perhaps you would have thought of him as "a lost cause." He was a rascal, he lived in a run-down trailer-park, he was a product of a broken family, and he was very familiar with red and blue flashing lights. He was trouble. He was lost.

Who was this lost boy?

He is my husband, Charles.

You would not know by just looking at him today that he was ever a lost soul. There is no external evidence. No tattoos (Read: THIS), no scars -- except those he carries inside. But how can one change so much without being internally scarred forever? He is not the same person he was, but that boy is still part of him -- his past is what shapes who he is today. For the better, I believe.

I have had the pleasure of watching his continued transformation. Let me make it clear, I had nothing to do with it. I was not even in the picture when his life was altered forever. But I have been there to watch how a rascal can change into a respectable man. And it has been an honor. I have been allowed to witness the fire of someone truly converted to the gospel. I have lived with someone rescued from the gates of darkness and allowed to live in the light.

It is miraculous.

Charles was a full-fledged hoodlum, when he started attending Church. He went to meetings at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. He did not look the part, nor did he "fit in." He sat in the chapel with his head on the pew in front of him. He was not your average white-shirt-and-tie guy. I am sure he stuck out like grey feathers, on the ugly duckling. He was not like everyone else, all clean-looking and sparkly. He was dark. He was different. No one could see any evidence that he would one day become a beautiful swan.

But even in his darkness, and difference, he would sit in Church. And every now and then, his heart would pound as someone spoke with the Spirit, from the pulpit. He felt something. Something began stirring inside him. A fire began to burn. 

And then, he was driving one evening, and there was a horrible accident. He was hit by a semi-truck. He walked away, miraculously unharmed. The details are his personal and sacred story, but I will say that God spoke to him. He read The Book of Mormon. He chose to be baptized. 

He went into the water, and he washed away the hoodlum for Heaven's gates. 

His life changed. It was hard. There were old friends, who did not want him to change. 

But he changed. 

He changed everything. 

 He went to seminary everyday of his Senior Year, he drove many miles to pick up other students, on cold Alaska mornings. He graduated from High School, barely. He worked 2 jobs and saved the full $9,000 it cost to serve a mission. He became Elder van Ormer for 2 years. 

He served a faithful mission. 
He changed his life, and the lives of others, forever. 
 He came home from his mission. He got married in the temple. 
He was the first in his family to graduate from college. He went on to go to Law School. 
He passed the Bar exam, and became an Attorney. 
 He has a beautiful family, who all love him, dearly. 

 He is a wonderful father. So fantastic with children. 
 He runs his own law firm. Helping out those who might appear a bit rascally, too. 
His life went from night to day. 

When you are baptized ALL your sins are washed away, and you are made new. 
I know it. I have seen it. 

When you see someone who you may think is a "lost cause" . . . don't think it. 
You never know who people can become. 
God can move mountains. 

People can change. 
We have to let them. 

Thursday, April 4, 2013


 It has been beautiful around here. It seems like the flowers and trees have bloomed overnight. It smells so delicious in the air, especially in the morning, and the late evening. Love it. 

We are in the process of moving right now, and life is being lived in a sort of organized chaos. I am looking forward to less chaos and more organized. I will write more about moving later. 
For now . . . beauty. 
I love these pink flowery trees. They smell beyond fantastic. If I pass one, I walk up to it and inhale deeply. 
I have been trying to run amidst the chaos, but it has been hard to stay motivated, even on beautiful days. I am just so tired, emotionally, physically, etc. I will get there. But the look on my face pretty much sums up my feelings. I am ready to be settled again.  It is hard to stay motivated and focused in the middle of a big move/change/everything in life being altered. Not impossible, but hard. 
I captured this image after dropping the kids off at school. It was such a beautiful morning. The thought occurred to me that, "All things testify of Christ." That beautiful morning certainly did. 
The view from my home. Amazing. I love it when the sun creates "God's Rays." Beautiful. 
These doves seem to follow me. 
Wherever I go. 
They make me smile. :-) 
Despite the chaos of life, I know there are good things to come. Life is to be lived one day at a time. Even enjoyed one day at a time. Though there is crazy all around me, I know God is watching over me, and my family. I can feel Him directing our path. My heart is full of gratitude. 

Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Sunday

 We got to spend Easter Sunday at the Veteran's Hospital. I love going there for Sacrament Meeting, it is always so spiritual. We sang, "I wonder when He comes again." It was lovely. The men there are so special. I love those who have served our Country. You can feel the spirit of their service. Such giants among men. I love the feeling of renewal and rebirth that comes with Spring and the Easter-season. I am so grateful for my Heavenly Father and my Savior, Jesus Christ. May His spirit fill our lives more fully. Oh, and I LOVE my family! They are precious to me.