Tuesday, April 9, 2013

William Sings

My kids are obsessed with Les Mis. They can often be found watching the movie of the stage production, while gleefully singing along. They have also enjoyed the new musical with Hugh Jackman, but it definitely has a few "fast forward parts" -- so they mainly stick with the 25th Anniversary Concert

Anyway, when I say my kids are obsessed, I mean ALL of them. Even William, who is 5. He has been sucked into Sammi and Daniel's world of music, and they all spend hours together playing and singing Les Mis music, as loud as they can. 

The other night, while Charles and I were watching Downton Abbey, William came down and asked if he could sing for me. We chuckled at his attempt to stay up later. But it was William (he is VERY persausive), so we paused our show, and listened as he performed the whole Castle on a Cloud song. It brought tears to my eyes, it was just one of those moments. You know, the moments that are all rose-colored and perfect. It was precious. 

 I wanted William to sing it again for me, so I could catch it on video. 
He was happy to oblige. Here is William . . . 

(I love the outfit he put together, and he wanted "dirt" on his face. He also did NOT want any background music. He wanted to do it on his own. So cute. ) 


  1. Yay Wily!! That was AWESOME!!!!! STUPENDOUS!!!!!!!!!! AMAZING!!!!!!

    Love, Grandma and Nan

  2. how cute is THAT?!! so sweet. :)
    and holy cow, when did william lose all his baby teeth!

  3. made me smile! How cute is he! Love the outfit and his tender voice. Impressed that he knows all those lyrics! Way to go Willy. You are a rock star.

    Looks likes a future talent show # Mari. Keep the music alive!


  4. Very cute!! Maybe you guys should start your own version of the Vantrapp family singers or your own theater company. Lots of talent between you all. :)

  5. Well, if you think we're obsessed with Les Miserables, then you should see me and The Phantom of the Opera. (I think I'm actually to the point where I annoy my mom) : ) -Sammi
