Monday, April 8, 2013


  It was General Conference weekend. I love Conference. It is so spiritually rejuvenating. This year we are in the middle of moving/packing, so we put three mattresses on the floor, and everyone sprawled out and enjoyed the full 2 days (8 hours), of pure truth and doctrine, while lying down -- what could be better? I am sure I don't know. :-) 
 We usually print off some Conference color activities, so the kids stay focused. It really helps. 
 On Sunday evening we were all a little restless and ready to get outside. We decided to go for a walk. Just as we pulled into our parking destination we heard thunder above our heads, so we chose to wait it out. We drove up the foothills and watched the storm go by. I adore a good storm, the more windy/violent/exciting the better. It was a decent storm, but I've seen better. 
 Playing in the rain
 I love clouds. Storm clouds are some of the most beautiful of God's creations. 
 We were even treated to a glorious rainbow. 
 The light shining through the darkness. 
 After the storm passed we went for a long walk. It smelled amazing after fresh rain and spring flowers. We stopped to inhale the flowers. Mmmmmmm . . .yummy. 
 If I could just bottle it up and make my house smell like rain and flowers. Amazing. 
 We all enjoyed it. 
 It was chilly, and we were not really well prepared. The rain dropped the temperature down in the 40's.  William was the only one properly dressed. 
 Henry was making funny faces the whole time
 I think it was because he was freezing, but he would not keep his hat on, even when rain was falling on his poor little head. 
After 2 hours of walking in the cool rain-sprinkles, we were all anxious to get home and warm. It was a fun and beautiful walk with rain/thunder/lightning. The sky was blanketed grey, but the earth was freshly kissed by raindrops, alive and painted with vibrant color. It was soggy, but invigorating. 
 Henry was bright red with teeth chattering towards the end. Poor thing. 
 But he was happy to get out and go home! 

I love spring walking! 

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