Thursday, January 2, 2014


We have spent the Christmas break mostly sick and relaxing. I have been really grateful for this 2 week break, I have needed it desperately on many levels. I have needed a rest and recover time physically, spiritually, and emotionally. It has been lame to be sick on our break, but at least we had this time empty so we could use it to heal.

The illness that has gone around our house is nasty. I got it on Christmas day night, when my body just kind of shutdown. I spent 2 full days in bed with chills, aches, pain, and misery. Seriously, it was AWFUL! All the kids had the same thing about a week earlier, and Charles had it too. It is finally starting to taper off, but I am still weak and not feeling 100%. The coughing is still hanging around, especially when I try to sleep at night. This too shall pass . . .

We have been resting, watching movies, playing LEGOS, studying for Church lessons, and just being together as a family. I am enjoying every minute of it because I only have a few more days until "real life" returns. At this point though, I cannot wait to get back to full health so I can start exercising again. I hate being sick and not able to workout -- that just makes me feel more sick. Blah. Here is to better and healthier days ahead!

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