Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Calling: Gospel Doctrine Teacher

I was recently called to serve as a Gospel Doctrine teacher in our ward. I have gone 9 months without a calling (see: HERE), but now, this calling involves constant study and prayer, along with delving into deep gospel doctrine on a daily basis in preparation for the lessons.

This calling is wonderful for me right now. We are studying the Old Testament in the Bible, and whenever I study the amazing stories of the Bible, I always feel a greater sense of peace and clarity of mind. It is like getting back to the basics -- it is very invigorating.

Over the last few years my callings in two different wards was as Relief Society teacher. I love teaching the women of the Relief Society. There is always a beautiful picture, a basket of flowers on the table, and often deep emotion and tears flowing -- my kind of teaching environment!

But teaching Gospel Doctrine to both women and men is different.

Or is it?

I am not going to treat it differently. As a teacher of any class my desire is to find the practical application of the lessons, and to allow the lessons to inspire and help motivate people to feel deeply, and to leave with a desire to be better than they were before. So even though I am teaching more challenging material, to both women and men, I will come at it with the same approach as I always have. I will try and get to the heart of the material and ask: How do the lessons and scriptures apply to us in our daily lives? And most importantly, I will try and teach guided by the Spirit.

Hmmmmm . . . maybe I should bring a lace table cloth, and a bouquet of flowers, just for good measure?

I am excited about this calling. I love teaching, because as a teacher you are the one doing the learning.  I am excited for the opportunity to learn and grow in this capacity. I have recently been utterly humbled, but I have been grateful for the experience, as I have had to draw myself closer to my Savior as a result. Humility is a key component to teaching with the Spirit of God. When you listen, and are humble, you can hear the message He wants you to share.

If there is one thing that I want to do in this life it is preach the Word of God. I just want to share the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ! As a Gospel Doctrine teacher, I have been granted a chance to offer my voice in testimony, and for that I am grateful!

Old Testament here we come!


  1. I am glad you are excited for your calling, for me that would be THE scariest calling ever!

  2. You will do great. Wish I could hear a lesson. :)

  3. Look forward to "studying" with you.

  4. i think this will be great for you! the best part of teaching is always the preparation and learning so i know you will have plenty to share for us blog readers who won't be in class with you. :)

  5. WOW! i knew you were asking for it when you posted you were calling free ;) i'm glad you see it as a blessing and you will be fantastic! MARI THE BRAVE. This is susz by the way ... i just noticed mike was logged in vs myself. Ha!
