Friday, August 31, 2012


Last night, we were driving around town, after our children's back-to-school open house. We just happened across a  radio station that was playing Mitt Romney's speech . . . we thought we should listen.

The red sun was setting, and the full moon was rising . . . it was a perfectly still and beautiful evening here in good old Boise, Idaho. The kids were amazingly quiet, and attentive, as we drove around listening to the words of our future President of the United States. It was a historic moment, and I have to admit I felt a special spirit in our car as we took in the words and the passion of the speakers (we also caught Clint Eastwood, and Rubio's speech, as well). It was almost a magic moment, somehow.

There is something special about the radio. All you hear are the words, the voices -- you have to really focus on what they are saying, to paint the picture of their words in your mind . . . it is better than seeing. We often go for drives and listen to old-time radio shows (Prairie Home Companion) and the kids love it. So they were primed and ready to listen to this important speech, via radio.

I was impressed. As I listened to the speeches, I felt like we were living in the 1950's -- in a better time, a hopeful time (A Nat King Cole time). The moon was shining in the black-night sky, and my heart soared as Mitt spoke about his history, his family, about the value of women, and mothers, and hope for the future. It was so much better to just hear the voices -- I watched some video clips later and it was not as powerful as just the spoken word. (I could do a whole other blog about how TV has changed politics in America, but not today.)

Of course, as a Mormon, I can identify with Mr. Romney, and where he is coming from, and I agree with him on a vast majority of issues. Just knowing that he served as a Bishop and Stake President means something signifigant to me, as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. He is a devote Mormon, and so am I. But that is not why I will be voting for Mitt Romney in November.

The reason I am voting for Mitt Romney is simple: He is rich. 

That is right. I am voting for him because he is wealthy. Very wealthy. He has everything in the world you could possibly ever want. He has a beautiful wife, and children, and grandchildren. He has homes, and boats, and who-knows-what. He also knows how to become wealthy . . . through hard work, and business. His wealth is not a bad thing, it is a GREAT thing! Don't we all want to live a comfortable life? Is that not why we slave and work hard everyday? We need his know-how in the business arena, now, more than ever. Because he is so very wealthy, he really has nothing to gain, except, perhaps, having his name in the history books, or some added publicity-time, or maybe he just wants world-power? Maybe that is his motive, but I don't think so.

I believe that as a father and grandfather, he really wants a better world for his future posterity -- a better America for them to grow up in. And, as a mother, I second that idea. I too want a better America for my children, and their children . . . and their children's, children. Right now, Romney could be kicking-back, enjoying all of his hard-earned possessions, and wealth -- but instead he is throwing himself into the limelight of ridicule, and strenuous schedules . . . and trying to do something with his talents, wealth and energy -- to make the world a better place. I say, "Good on ya, Mitt!"

He is far from perfect, and I do not put my faith in any "man" because they are, obviously, fallible.  But, Mitt Romney, I believe, would make a fantastic President of these United States of America.

Mitt Romney has my vote. May God be with him.

I am certainly scared to think of the alternative . . .

Thursday, August 30, 2012


The kids were playing "dress-up" the other day. Notice Daniel as the Phantom of the Opera . . . my kids are obsessed. Sammi plays the music all day long, and yesterday I heard Daniel correcting her, "You're playing too fast!" he said. He then went on to show her the "right" way it should be done, by singing Music of the Night in a silky-smooth voice -- far too mature for his age. I was cracking-up in the other room. William knows all the songs, too. You're never too young to be cultured. :-) 
 Love these kiddos! 


Clothes People

 I forgot to add these pictures to the first day of school . . . they laid out their "clothes people" the night before school, so they would be ready to go. I went in to tell them goodnight, and they kind of freaked me out! Silly kids. 

Little Bugs

 Each child has had to wear the ladybug costume . . . even the boys. Now it is Henry's turn. :-) 

Here is Sammi-Bug

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Real Moms . . .

Yep, I am feeding the baby in this picture. ;-) 
Forgive me for saying yesterday that, "Real Moms Run."  That statement is not true. Real moms come in every shape, and size, and are equipped with very unique, individual, capacities. When I am writing my blog, I am really just trying to motivate myself to keep going, and not quit. (Especially since I have no idea who is even reading?) But, I would like to change my previous statement to, "Real moms LOVE!" That is what it is really all about. Love . . .

There have been plenty of times when I have felt gross, and not up to running -- or really doing much of anything. There are different times and seasons to life. You adjust accordingly. You do what you gotta do sometimes. Maybe you hate running. That is fine. But, gee whiz, getting fresh air sure makes you feel better. It is amazing. Almost as good as sugar. Maybe even better

And for me that "love" I was talking about (for kids, hubby, everyone) comes out a lot more easily, when I am happy about myself. For me, that means . . . run. I do enjoy other physical activities, too. (That sounds kind of funny.) But this is something that I find easiest to be consistent with, and consistency is key. 

I find that if I am busy thinking about how lame I am throughout the day, my ability to give love to others around me seems to shrink -- including those closest to me. No, especially those closest to me. That is not fair to them, or me. It is important to find SOMETHING to do that gives you strength and energy to greet the world with a smile, instead of a grunt. 

I have found in just the last few weeks, I do not waddle around in shame -- quite so much. And I find it easier to smile. (Who knew chubby-cheeks can make smiling harder? It does. It really does!) I have also found that I am getting stronger, even with simple tasks . . . like picking up Henry in the middle of the night, and bending over to load the dishwasher . . . all these things are getting easier. (My body was really left mangled after this pregnancy. Everything felt awful -- like my body had been turned inside out.) It has taken awhile to get to this point, of just not feeling horrible . . . and I have a long way to go. But I am going. And THAT is the point. 

Lots of pavement to keep pounding . . . 
(Henry is under the blanket, it was cool and windy. I think I need a new stroller, so I can keep going in the yucky winter months. I have no sun flap, or protective barrier for rain, etc. I'll have to put it on my wish list!) 
Just keep going! 
Some pretty things I saw while out today . . . 

 My precious . . . 
We had to stop and do a little feeding after about an hour into it. 
Sweaty milk. Yum. 
 He did not seem to mind :-) 
 My shadow is my running buddy, she is great company -- though she seems to be a fair-weather-friend. :-) 
 I was towards the end of my run and feeling (and looking) pretty tired. I ran into another running mom pushing a double-stroller. We smiled at each other and she put her hand out to give me "five" and she said, "We just keep going, right?" 

Right, Mama. 

We just keep going . . . and loving . . . and smiling. 

Because, Real Moms Love . . . themselves! 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

New Running Trail

While the kids are away, the mommy will . . . 
No, not play. Playing is for sissies. Real moms RUN!  But running is kind of like playing . . . running is fun, right? (It's a lot more fun when your not just jiggling around with a bowl full of jelly -- I'll let you know when it is fun for me.) But . . . who cares? Who cares that I am super-duper-oober-goober slow. Who cares that I move like molasses? (Ever tried to pour molasses? . . . slow.) Sure an old lady with grey hair waved as she lapped me. Sure my thighs (and gut) shake as I take each step. Sure I can probably walk faster than I run. But I don't care. I am going to keep moving. And one day . . . one day I will be free. Moving freely, and gracefully . . . no matter how long it takes me. I have no time frame -- just life to live. 
 There is a beautiful new trail to run on, which makes it SO NICE! Today I was out and about the whole time William was in Kindergarten (over 2 hours). Do I have something better to do? Maybe. But the one thing that bothers me more than anything is my body, so why not devote as much time to it -- as I do to something so much less important? Why spend my time working on things of far less value? My body deserves the time, after all. It has been good to me all these years -- even when I have not been so good to it. Sorry, body, I have been a bad friend. I will do better. You deserve better. 

It was such a beautiful run. And when I was tired . . . I walked. I drank tons of ice-water. I stopped and looked around me, and smelled the river, and breathed in and out. (And snapped a picture.) And took in the day. And then I would keep moving. 
 Sometimes I would listen to music, sometimes I would turn it off and listen to the birds, and the river. 
It felt SO GOOD. 
I only had Henry in the single stroller so I was in Heaven! 
(It was great AFTER I changed his blow-out diaper at the school before we got started.) 
 Go out and breath some fresh air . . .  and see what beauty God has painted today. You don't want to miss it!
And your beautiful body deserves it! 

More Back to School . . .

It was a beautiful morning, for the first day of school. It was one of the first mornings without thick, nasty, smoke in the air. The air was fresh and yummy, and Sammi exclaimed, "It smells like Disneyland!" (A mixture of sweet morning air, churros, and vanilla) . . . not sure why it smelled like churros? Maybe the neighbors were making donuts. Hmmmmm . . . churros sound good!  Double Hmmmmmmm  . . . Disneyland sounds good, too!

The boys waiting for the girl. Yeah. It starts. 
 Daniel picking his nose. :-) 
 The expressions on William's face crack me up. 

 William's first day of Kindergarten! Whoo! 
 Sammi in 6th grade -- Yikes! 
 Daniel in 4th grade -- wow! 
 Waving goodbye to me, before they get in the van and I drive them to school . . . Only 6 trips to and from the school this year . . . until Basketball starts. Yikes. 
 They all had a great first day. William did great and he loves going to Kindergarten (so far). It helps that his big brother and sister are there, too. He is pretty familiar with the school already. There are tons of kids that he knows from both our old church ward, and our new church ward -- so that is nice. Should be a fun year! 

Monday, August 27, 2012

Tribute: First Day of School

Slipping Through my Fingers . . . 
I thought I would make a little tribute to the first day of school. Just ignore the horrid singing -- I was choking back tears the whole time. *sniff*

Friday, August 24, 2012

My Mormon Moment

 This post is for my fellow Christian friends, and even those who call themselves "non-believers." I love you and respect you, dearly. May you feel the same love towards me, a Mormon. 

I have recently been following the news, and taking note of things that have been said by those who are "peeking in" at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I have noticed that those "peekers" are often viewing our beliefs with one eye closed, and through "dirty windows" -- muddied by the need for a quick report, or getting their information from not-so-reliable sources. I always cringe when I read the articles -- or view the video clips -- when they use words that are not accurate, or they take sacred and special things completely out of context. (Especially in regards to the temple -- I will write more about that later.) My request to those who read these haphazard articles is to please take them at face value. So much is lost in the effort to explain something so complex, and yet so simple. It is like having someone trying to describe an orange -- when they have never tasted one. 

If you want to know what we really believe, use the sources put out by the Church and They are great resources. Better yet, if you want to know what the orange really tastes like . . . read The Book of Mormon!

My Mormon Moment

When I was in high school, I had some really great friends, who belonged to different religions. We got along really well, and I loved them. One day, we got to talking about religion (not an easy topic to discuss when you are a teenager). I told them a little bit about what I believed, and I asked them if they would like a copy of The Book of Mormon. (I know it was a bold move, but hey, I was young!) The conversation then turned hostile, and my friends said, and I quote, "If you gave me a Book of Mormon, I would just burn it." My heart broke, and tears began to flow down my flaming cheeks. These same friends offered me a book -- a book that included very direct and blatant attacks on "the Mormons." I took the book and read a few sentences. The words were like poison. I could feel the adversary throwing flames at my heart . . . grasping . . . probing . . . looking for weakness. The heat that I felt was overwhelmingly hot. It was a painful heat, an evil heat . . . the complete opposite kind of "burning" that I had felt when I felt the Spirit of God. The contrast in feelings were night and day. The difference between Hell and Heaven. 

One book (The Book of Mormon) invoked light, and the other . . . pure and utter darkness. 

I knew in my heart, and in the essence of my very being -- that what I had experienced was an effort to destroy my faith. I had never felt so horrible in all my life. The words that I read, and the attacks that were made, were so contrary to all the evidence of truth that I had experienced in my life. My faith is all I have. My faith is why I am, who I am. My faith is the faith of my fathers -- who sacrificed everything so that I could know the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If I don't have my faith, I don't have anything. It is that simple. 

Fortunately for me, and my future posterity . . . I did not break, nor bend, during this "heated" experience. For me it was quite the opposite. My heart rose to the occasion, and my convictions and knowledge of truth began to be permanently etched in my heart. 

I had felt evil, and I had felt -- and been strengthened by -- the eternally more powerful, Love of God. 

This incident caused me to light my fire of faith even brighter. It was not too long after that moment, that I solidified my testimony of my Heavenly Father and my Savior Jesus Christ. 

Now, for me, it is simple. 

God lives. Jesus is the Christ. I know it. 

In that simplicity, there are, admittedly -- a lot of details. But the details are beautiful and amazing once you learn of them in truth and light. 

I wish I could write my feelings more eloquently, but I am time-limited, so I will have to be brief.  

The Book of Mormon

The Bible is a sacred record, which we love and revere. The Bible is the Word of God -- as long as it it translated correctly. We use the King James version. The Book of Mormon is simply another sacred record -- of the people who lived on the American continent. After Jesus was crucified and resurrected, He visited the people on the American continent.

This makes so much sense to me. I can remember the first time I read about it. It was such a simple and beautiful reality that the Savior would visit ALL of his children -- not just one confined corner of the world. 

 If you believe in miracles -- of the extraordinary magnitude of those professed in the Bible, such as . . . 

Moses parting the Red Sea
Noah gathering two of every animal and loading them on an ark during a world-wide flood
Daniel being unharmed by the den of lions
The ten commandments brought down by Moses from Mt. Sinai

The creation of the World
 If you believe in those extraordinary miracles (and many more from the Bible) . . . Then why is it so hard to believe in a similar magnitude of miracles, that are at the foundation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints?  

(Forgive me, I will be paraphrasing for sake of time. For the full account read the Book of Mormon introduction.)

After the Savior was crucified, there was an apostasy (a falling away) and the fullness of the Gospel of Christ was lost. It began the time of "the dark ages." 

Until, Joseph Smith -- a boy who just wanted to know how any of the religious chaos of his day could be true --  prayed in earnest, in a grove of trees, and saw God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. They spoke to him and instructed him as to what he should do. 
A miracle? Yes. 

I love this picture. I was very young when I knew this was true. It still joyfully burns in my heart.
 Joseph was visited by an Angel named Moroni (who is also the last prophet who wrote down his account and record on the plates). He was told where to find the record of the people who lived on the American continent, another testament of Jesus Christ, contained on the Golden Plates. 
 An extraordinary miracle? Yes. 
Moroni (he was the angel that appeared to Joseph) burying the record -- the event was recorded at the very end of The Book of Mormon. 
 The pinnacle of events recorded in The Book of Mormon, is when the Resurrected Christ comes to the people on the American continent . . . it is a beautiful event, I love to read about it, often. My testimony of the Book of Mormon was founded upon this event. Is it not a comfort to know that He came to all of his children? Jesus Christ is the Savior of all the World -- not just one corner of it. 
A miracle? Yes. 
 Joseph Smith TRANSLATED the gold plates into book, so the Gospel could be spread throughout the land. He DID NOT write the Book of Mormon, he interpreted the language and recorded what was already written down. His life was constantly threatened because of the record and those who wanted the "Gold Plates." Mobs were a constant at his house, along with tar and feathering and other horrendous acts of violence. Translating the Gold Plates into the Book of Mormon . . . 
A miracle? Yes! 
Now we have the record, Another Testament of Jesus Christ . . . The Book of Mormon. It is a companion to the Bible, not meant to take away from it, or "add" to it. It is purely another record of another people who knew of the Savior Jesus Christ. And certainly, two witnesses, are better than one. 
It is a miracle to have it!

My point is, God is a God of miracles. He always has been, He always will be. Miracles only cease because of the unbelief of man. The same miraculous events that so many believe in the Christian world, are the same kind of miracles that have brought forth the fullness of His Gospel in these Latter-Days -- the Gospel that is found within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Gold plates, prophets, seeing angels, visions, and even seeing God the Father, and his son, Jesus Christ, may seem strange -- or even ridiculous -- to those who do not believe. But if you believe in the miraculous stories of the Bible, perhaps the miraculous stories of the Book of Mormon should not seem so strange? The very same God of miracles who is the God of the Bible, is the same God that I love and worship today, as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The Book of Mormon reaffirms his love for us, and helps us to understand His will and commandments, even more. When I open the Bible it is like feeling God stretch His hand out to me -- even just looking at the sacred words on the pages is comforting and familiar. It is the same with the Book of Mormon. They go hand in hand, companions in truth. 

Our Heavenly Father's miracles and capacities have no end. No limit. Do not let the amazing, miraculous, history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, be a roadblock in understanding. 

There can be miracles, there ARE miracles . . . if you believe

And one day, every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess . . . that Jesus is the Christ. 
I know God lives. I know Jesus is my Savior. 

My name is Mari van Ormer, and I am a Mormon.