Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Eleven years ago, a child was placed in my arms, and, for the first time . . . I became a Mother. 

(Here I am being a concerned mother . . . if you could only see the anxiety I had having my baby on a boat! YIKES!)
I felt overwhelmed with joy and anxiety as they placed Samantha in my arms, and told me she was mine to keep. Prior to giving birth I had been working in the infant room at the the hospital Child Development Center. I thought certainly after caring for 4-6 infants at a time, I would be ready to bring home a child of my own. 
 But it was SO different. She was mine 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Always and forever, mine. My responsibility. Mine to lead and guide and walk beside. (And I was not being paid for it!) I remember feeling the weight of the task almost as soon as I left the care of the maternity center, and I brought her home. Everything around me looked like a potential hazard. All the normal objects in my home suddenly became weapons that could injure my precious child. It took awhile -- a long while -- to relax and soak in the joy of having a child.
 Sammi really was (and still is) a joy. 

Something became very apparent to me as I entered the world of motherhood. It became very clear to me that I was needed. The child that God sent to me needed me. The child was sent to me specifically to love and care for. Sure I worked with a bunch of precious babies before, and performed important tasks at other different places of employment. But in the world of the work-force, I was replaceable. Easily replaceable. 
But in my home, there was (and is) NO ONE to replace me. I was (and am) priceless. Irreplaceable. Needed. Without me my children would not survive. (Not to mention, Charles, too!) Without me, home would not be home. Without me, there would be nothing . . . when it comes to my family. I am the Mother. And THAT is power. 
With great power comes great responsibility. 
I was just thinking about how many valuable tasks I perform in a day, as a wife and mother. Even crucial tasks. Life and death tasks! 

  • I feed my children, daily
  • I help Charles with his work (if I didn't, we would starve)
  • I give Henry daily medicine (his kidney's would become infected without it)
  • I use my body to feed Henry
  • I wake-up in the night to feed Henry (if I didn't he would starve)
  • Diapers . . . and more diapers 
  • I bathe the children
  • I clean/organize the house (if I didn't -- YIKES!)
  • I teach my children the gospel
  • I pray with them everyday
  • I read scriptures with them daily
  • I teach them right and wrong (they still have agency, of course. And trust me, they use it!!) 
  • I repair scrapes and open-wounds
  • I wash clothes
  • I keep a family history and pictures for their future
  • I send out all the bills/maintain family finances
  • I chauffeur them to and from school
  • I help with school tasks and assignments
  • Attend their concerts/games
  • I take them to medical/dental appointments
  • I play with them
  • I laugh with them
  • I love them
  • Am I forgetting something? Yes, a BUNCH of things! 
  • etc., etc., etc. . .  forever.
  • Oh, and I try to take care of me, too . . . no wonder I am tired! 
The look on my face is a good description of how I feel a lot of the time! Help!
Being needed is something special. My kids don't just need me -- they WANT me, too. I will never be fired, or let go! I will be a mother FOREVER! 
Mari van Ormer, M.O.M.
Best. Title. Ever.
 I am once again found with a new baby in my arms. And it is so much more enjoyable than it was 11 years ago. After 11 years of being a mom --- and all that that entails -- I can honestly say I love it now, more than ever. With time, and experience, it really does get easier, or rather, maybe you just learn to calm down and relax -- because that is all you CAN do! 

If you are a mama, and feeling a little low (It happens, right? It is a heavy load to carry!), just remember that only YOU can do it. You are loved. You are wanted. You are NEEDED! 
There is NO worldly accomplishment that can ever compete with being a Mom. 

What do you make . . . Moms make people! 
Who do you work for . . . God! 

It doesn't get any better than that! 

Enjoy it! 

*I wrote this while breastfeeding. :-) 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with everything you said Mari. I'm feeling a lot of that right now. I'm grateful that I'm needed and I love my children very much. Just so you know I think that you are a wonderful Mother and your children are wonderful children. I love you lots my little one is calling. Beth
