Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Picture Overload!

I had another little photo-shoot with my kiddos -- just using a simple camera and iPhoto. I love pictures, and especially pictures of my children. Isn't it interesting that your OWN kids hold such power over your eyes? Like they have some magical power to draw you (their parent) to them -- over all other children. I mean, sure, other kids are cute . . . but none can compare with mine to me, or yours to you. It is a special thing, that power. Anyway, I know they are more adorable to me then they are to you . . . but here are my precious babies. I love them all. 

In no particular order . . . 
He is precious and chubby-cute. I love him so much! 

 Bright eyes

 Going for his thumb

 Dan the Man
Move over Harrison Ford! 

 Sammi Sunshine 
I wish everyone had a Sammi, she is so fantastic! Love her!

 The skies are full of smoke, it added an interesting look

 Sammi is growing up so fast! She is almost a young woman! 

More Dan
I love my Dan, he is awesome. 

 Love this one . . .

He is my Silly-Willy, for sure. Love this boy!
He was not too excited to have his picture taken . . . he would only let me get pictures while he was swinging . . . this is all I got! 

 This one turned out cute . . . 

Love my cutie-heads! 

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