Friday, August 31, 2012


Last night, we were driving around town, after our children's back-to-school open house. We just happened across a  radio station that was playing Mitt Romney's speech . . . we thought we should listen.

The red sun was setting, and the full moon was rising . . . it was a perfectly still and beautiful evening here in good old Boise, Idaho. The kids were amazingly quiet, and attentive, as we drove around listening to the words of our future President of the United States. It was a historic moment, and I have to admit I felt a special spirit in our car as we took in the words and the passion of the speakers (we also caught Clint Eastwood, and Rubio's speech, as well). It was almost a magic moment, somehow.

There is something special about the radio. All you hear are the words, the voices -- you have to really focus on what they are saying, to paint the picture of their words in your mind . . . it is better than seeing. We often go for drives and listen to old-time radio shows (Prairie Home Companion) and the kids love it. So they were primed and ready to listen to this important speech, via radio.

I was impressed. As I listened to the speeches, I felt like we were living in the 1950's -- in a better time, a hopeful time (A Nat King Cole time). The moon was shining in the black-night sky, and my heart soared as Mitt spoke about his history, his family, about the value of women, and mothers, and hope for the future. It was so much better to just hear the voices -- I watched some video clips later and it was not as powerful as just the spoken word. (I could do a whole other blog about how TV has changed politics in America, but not today.)

Of course, as a Mormon, I can identify with Mr. Romney, and where he is coming from, and I agree with him on a vast majority of issues. Just knowing that he served as a Bishop and Stake President means something signifigant to me, as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. He is a devote Mormon, and so am I. But that is not why I will be voting for Mitt Romney in November.

The reason I am voting for Mitt Romney is simple: He is rich. 

That is right. I am voting for him because he is wealthy. Very wealthy. He has everything in the world you could possibly ever want. He has a beautiful wife, and children, and grandchildren. He has homes, and boats, and who-knows-what. He also knows how to become wealthy . . . through hard work, and business. His wealth is not a bad thing, it is a GREAT thing! Don't we all want to live a comfortable life? Is that not why we slave and work hard everyday? We need his know-how in the business arena, now, more than ever. Because he is so very wealthy, he really has nothing to gain, except, perhaps, having his name in the history books, or some added publicity-time, or maybe he just wants world-power? Maybe that is his motive, but I don't think so.

I believe that as a father and grandfather, he really wants a better world for his future posterity -- a better America for them to grow up in. And, as a mother, I second that idea. I too want a better America for my children, and their children . . . and their children's, children. Right now, Romney could be kicking-back, enjoying all of his hard-earned possessions, and wealth -- but instead he is throwing himself into the limelight of ridicule, and strenuous schedules . . . and trying to do something with his talents, wealth and energy -- to make the world a better place. I say, "Good on ya, Mitt!"

He is far from perfect, and I do not put my faith in any "man" because they are, obviously, fallible.  But, Mitt Romney, I believe, would make a fantastic President of these United States of America.

Mitt Romney has my vote. May God be with him.

I am certainly scared to think of the alternative . . .

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