Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Weekend

My Brother's family came to Idaho for the weekend and my Mom requested a "lot" of pictures . . . 

Here they are, mom! 

I told John to "look natural"
Mindy and baby Jordan


 Love this baby! 
 Exploring their world

 Lots of games

 Watching a movie on Uncle Johnny
More games

  The park, waiting for the Balloon Show

 Lying in the grass

  Henry looking at the trees -- he loves them
 Henry and Jordan

 Loving daddy

 Johnny was making the kids "fly" and flip, it was hilarious. They loved it! 

 Love this one! 
 Scootie jumping on Uncle Charles 


 Love this one, too . . . 

 Lots of kiddos

 Fly Sammi, Fly! 

 Go Daniel! 

 getting dark

 Sammi and Mom

 It was a beautiful night . . . the balloons were cool, too . . . but I ran out of camera space! 
Fun Times! 


  1. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

    Sure miss all of you even though we are having a great time with everyone here. I LOVE OUR FAMILY!!!!!!!


  2. Fun times!
    I was so impressed with the strength of Charles and John spinning those kiddos around. I could even see John's running muscles in his legs.
    Go Johnny go!!!!!
    and go Mari go! Mom tells me you're running 2 hrs after dropping kids off at school. Super plan!!!! So proud of you. You have been blessed
    w/ great strength, keep it up!


    Missed you all in Denali last weekend. I'll post some pics by Savage soon, so you can remember where Charles proposed to you. : )
