Thursday, September 20, 2012

Buying Affection

William running to the car after Kindergarten -- love this kid! 
I went to the store for some chocolate chips. I was feeling unusually nice -- so I got William some Mike And Ikes. (Buying middle-of-the-week candy is not a common occurrence in our house.) When we got in the car, we had this charming conversation: 

William: "Mom, I actually like you now." 

Me: "You like me because I bought you candy?" 

William: "Yes, I actually like you!" 

Me: "Well, that is nice . . . but you should like me just cause I am your mom."

William: "Yeah, I guess. That too." 

I guess William's love-language is gift receiving. Either I need to teach him better, or I better start buying him more candy. 

1 comment:

  1. that's quinn's love language can get expensive!

    cute story, willie makes me smile. :)
