Monday, September 24, 2012

Tweeze Me

Charles read my post about "Muppet-eyes," and he said that I made him sound mean. Let me set the record straight . . . Charles loves me, and he thinks I am gloriously (super-ultra-mega-gloriously) beautiful -- especially my eyes. (Even if the are Muppety.) He really meant it as a compliment. (Even if it didn't sound like one to me.) He clarified his comment, and made it all better. Proper communication, it is key, and can be complicated. :-) 

Anyhow, moving on from that . . . .  

While we are talking about Charles, I wanted to mention one of his most outstanding qualities. Of the millions of things that he does for me, and our family -- I wanted to point out just one that I love about him probably the MOST . . .

He plucks my eyebrows. 

Yeah, he is awesome. He carefully sculpts my eyebrows into marvelous works of art. (I bet you are scrolling-up to look at my eyebrows now.) I did not even know about tweezing before I met Charles! I was going all-natural all those years -- shame on me! (Charles was/is very familiar with tweezers . . . they are good friends every morning!) I don't have quite the luscious brows that Charles has, but a little clean-up for me really does the trick . . . especially when the hair starts growing in weird places. (Yeah, he plucks my chin, too.) I have noticed as I get older, I get hairier, and I don't like it -- at least not on my face. Before you know it, I will have to full-on shave! (Or possibly wax, never tried that?) 

It's a good thing I have my own personal beauty consultant to help me!
And while hair is growing nicely on my face, it is falling out in large clumps -- from my head. Good thing Charles also knows how to unclog a shower drain. 

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