Monday, September 17, 2012

American Dream

If I allow myself to dream about what I really want, I come up with a few different lifestyle options. When I say "want" I mean that very unrealistic "in my dreams" place -- where everything is perfect. The perfect home. I am talking about the place where if I allow myself to go there in my mind too long, it could take away from my happiness now. I know I should be happy with what I have now . . . I know it. And I am. I really am.

But let me just dream for awhile, let me dream big . . . we all have dreams, right?

I have a few different "perfect" lifestyle dreams. These are dreams that I think I would love to come true. These are dreams that are semi-realistic options of how I would love to live . . . nothing too crazy, or ridiculous, like living on the beach in Hawaii, or something.

In my dreams, Option 1: Living on a farm, in a beautiful farmhouse. My mind has always steered towards this dream, first. I imagine lots of land, and some animals, but nothing too labor-intense. A horse would be nice. There must be trees, possibly a pond, or some source of water. I would love to decorate the interior of the home in a farmhouse style, and make it feel warm and cozy. A fireplace is a MUST! I imagine warmth, comfort, hard work, and having jobs for the kids to do. (Like gathering eggs from the chickens.) I know this would take a lot of physical-work, but there is something very satisfying, I believe, in having your own land, working it, and making it productive and beautiful. Some of my happiest moments were working hard on the yard in our little house -- I loved watching the grass seed grow. This dream makes my heart happy . . . this is, perhaps, my number one dream.

In my dreams, Option 2: Living in an old Victorian-style home. I fell in love with this dream while living in Spokane, Washington. The streets of the South Hill are covered with beautiful craftsmanship, and a rich history -- you can just feel the depth of time as you walk about the neighborhoods. I love it. A lot. I would love to remodel, decorate, and restore a home to its full glory. I would love to have a home full of time-period pieces, pictures, draperies, and furniture, and create an authentic experience when you walk through the doors. I would want all who enter to feel like they are stepping into another time. Everything would be done in rich, deep, colors -- with lots of wood trim, chandeliers, and everything beautiful. Oh, how I would LOVE to do this.

In my dreams, Option 3: Living in the "Home Alone" house. If you have ever seen that movie, you know what I mean. The house is amazing! I absolutely love this style of home. This house says to me, "Christmas." Christmas time would be magical . . . lights, trees, music, and every good thing. Oh, and sliding down the bannister would be fun, too. 

In my dreams, Option 4: Living in a row-house in San Francisco. This is a wild-card, just throwing it out there. This would be a more "extreme dream" that would not really be what I would consider "ideal" for real life (especially with kids) -- but fun to imagine. I would love to live in a big city, surrounded by the millions of things to see and do . . . especially riding the Trolleys around all day. These houses are just cool. Maybe I like them because I grew-up watching Full House. :-)

In my dreams, Option 5: A cabin in the woods. I am back and forth on this dream. I love the way cabins look and feel, but I am not sure how I really feel about being surrounded by wilderness. I am kind of (a lot of) a pansy when it comes to bears, moose, cougars, and critters. But I love the coziness of a cabin, and the warmth (I use that word a lot) of how they feel. Perhaps if the "cabin" was like this one . . . I could deal with some wildlife. :-) 

My dreams may never come true in this life (and rightly so!) . . . but it sure is fun to imagine!


  1. I like options one and five. Option two would take more work than would be fun. We visited lots of those homes in New Brunswick and they were cold and drafty and literally "falling down." Three: I got to admit I don't remember the Home Alone house, but we can do Christmas anywhere...and Number 4, as much as I love San Francisco I think I am beyond a desire for everyday chaos of the big city having tried a few.

    Anyhow, never quiet dreaming.

    Love, Mom

  2. I love option 1. It makes me think of Anne of Green Gables. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy when I watch that movie.
