Saturday, September 29, 2012

Jackson Hole, Wyoming

I was getting really restless, and feeling the need to get out of town as a family. I had been reading about the importance of wholesome family recreational activities (here), and I decided it was time we needed to just get outta town! (It has been awhile, since having the baby.) We chose Jackson Hole as our destination, because it is only about 5 hours away, and we had heard it was beautiful. We found a fantastic cabin, and we had a really rejuvenating time. Sometimes you just need to scoop everyone up, and GO! 

I took SO MANY pictures, I will have to do them in chunks. 

The Fall colors were so vibrant and amazing -- I really think it was the perfect time of year to go. 

 We did the tourist thing, and walked around the shops

 William was lovin the trip . . . that is chocolate ice-cream on his face -- good times. 
 Amazing colors
 I am from Alaska, and to be impressed with mountains is unusual -- but the Tetons were really something! 
 We had nice relaxing mornings, waking-up on farm land, and drinking hot cocoa. 
 staying warm
 William said, "This is the BEST DAY EVER!" And THAT is exactly why sometimes you just need to go have FUN! 
 Daniel contemplating the meaning of life. . . another good reason to leave town. 
 Sleepy Sammi watching the sunrise
 William in the sun
 Doing a little horse-whispering . . . very therapeutic. 

 William LOVED the horses, he was not afraid at ALL (quite the opposite!) 

 Baby cheese! 

 So amazing . . . 

 Super model. :-) 
 I want a horse. 
 I really do. 

 Charles bonding with the horsey . . . he loves animals. 

 The cabin was amazing! I HIGHLY recommend it! 
 And so do they!
 Family . . . 
Isn't it about time?


  1. How did you guys find the cabin? And I want to know the girls' hair website you found, too.
