Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Just keep running . . .

Another long run today . . . because I must
It is just not in my nature to give up food. I don't want to. I can't do it. Not realistically. So, I HAVE to work double-hard. And I am willing to do that . . . so I can still have my cookies and milk. :-) Sometimes, I will seriously be thinking about making cookies while I am running. Yeah, there is something wrong with my brain, I am sure. I am hard-wired. Sugar runs through my veins. It is deep. Too deep. Therefore, run, I must. I cannot live on carrot-sticks alone. 

Today my crew was NOT thrilled to go the distance. That makes it hard, I must say. When I hear 3 little voices saying, "Can we turn back NOW? Please?" or "I don't want to go the long way, can't we just turn back here?" (I must say it was tempting.) But my reply was (and is usually) something like this, said through heaving breaths, "No . . . (deep breath) . . . we HAVE to . . . (more heavy breathing) . . . keep going!" Which is usually followed by a three-part harmony choir of disappointment, "Oh, MaaaaAAAAhhhhmmm . . . ." And then the two older kids pedal ferociously into the distance, trying to get it done faster, and William slumps, defeated, in his chair. And baby Henry . . . well, I am just lucky if he doesn't make it a quartet. His complaints are the hardest to ignore. 
They often stop and wait for me, and ask for water (I bring a TON of water) which is a lovely addition to the weight of the stroller. :-) 

Here I am wearing my "Cloak of Visibility" shirt  . . . That's right I want to be seen. (Especially looking all nasty!) But you never know who you might motivate, or at least make feel better about themselves after catching a glimpse of me in all my glory. Don't you just feel like running now that you've looked at me? I know you do . . .
Can you feel the heat? Ugh. 
Give back my phone now, Sammi . . . please. :-)  
(Gosh, I just don't get much better looking than that!) 
Oh, and today's choice of Pandora music on iphone: Beach Boys
We like to run to daddy's office and see if he is there . . . we were waiting on the grass for a minute, but we missed him today (we usually catch him, it is awesome!) We also refill our water in his office building, that has super-cold water. It is SO refreshing and wonderful -- since being at his office means we have gone about 3.5 + miles, and we have the same distance to run home! 
I took some pictures of Henry again while on the grass . . . he is just at a super-cute age, I don't want to miss it! iphone cameras are pretty good! 

Grabbing Daniel's hair

He looks like E.T. in this picture . . . 
The kids are admiring Henry . . . 

Love these goobers! 

Not quite sure what Sammi is doing . . . ???
Thank goodness for Henry's thumb. I just don't know what I would so without it! Kept him happy all the way home! 
Just keep moving . . . forward. 

Gotta go. Time to make cookies. ;-) 


  1. I understand that cookie craving. I've made cookies 3 different times within a week after our move. I am thinking of making some today. It's weird how I almost feel a euphoric feeling when I think of making them.:)

  2. good for you mari, keep at it! henry is so cute...all smiley for the camera. :)
