Thursday, January 24, 2013

Ice Storm

They did not cancel school today . . . so I did. I kept the kids home from school after Charles called me and told me not to bother going on the roads. (I have to drive 6 times to and from school, 15 minutes each way.)
There was a layer of ice everywhere! It was pretty impressive. 
Ice-Skating rink. Not a good thing to walk on with baby in arms . . . 
The kids wanted to see how slippery it really was . . . that is ice under their feet. 
And they ice-skated in the middle of the road . . . 
 And fell down . . .
 And glided . . . 
Danced . . .  
steady now . . .  
 And soared . . . 
 And fell some more . . . 
 And landed on their backs . . . 
They could really glide far . . .  
So fun! 
Though I was just waiting for a crash and burn (and blood) . . . we were lucky. Not today.  
 Glad we stayed home! 
Reminds me of my Alaskan childhood. We had a sledding hill at school that was always covered in ice and blood. Those were the good ol' days. 

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