Wednesday, January 23, 2013

the best of my life

 I was driving to pick-up William from kindergarten, and I turned the radio to Glenn Beck. He was right in the middle of a speech about abortion, and the awful reality of it. He was being rowdy, loud, and forceful -- and then he stopped. He was quiet. Dead airtime. He then spoke again, quietly, through tears. Glenn quoted Les Mis . . . he spoke of when ValJean is dying. With dying breath ValJean said of the child Cosette: She was, "The best of my life." Glenn went on to explain -- right after the awful radio-conversation on abortion -- how children are truly the best of our lives. He explained how precious and priceless they are. Tears welled-up in my eyes, and my heart burned, as I felt the truthfulness of what he was saying. I don't always support his views, or methods, but on that point I fully agree . . . my children are the best of my life. I am so grateful to be their mother. I am so grateful I was able to provide little bodies for their valiant spirits. I am so grateful to provide a life for them. Life is a sacred thing. It must be valued, and protected. What precious treasures they are . . . our beautiful children. I cannot imagine a life without them . . . and I don't have to. They are mine forever. Thanks be to God.

Our children are our greatest treasures. Don't ever forget it. 

1 comment:

  1. love the photos. so fun to see the changes over the years. and yes, our kids are the best of our lives....thank goodness for that! :)
