Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Jog Blog

I created a new exercise blog where my whole family documents their work-outs with their phone or camera. The point is to take a picture of our daily workout, and post in on the blog and share thoughts/motivation, etc. It is kind of fun because you have to look around you when you exercise, see the world, and try and find something to take a picture of. I love it. I love looking around me and seeing all of God's beautiful creations. I also love seeing the pictures that my family shares! It is a great way to stay connected, too. 

I also love it because there are so many different things that people do. On the blog you will find post-partum mothers trying to find their figures, marathon runners, 50+ mile runners, crazies who run in -30 degrees in Alaska, old-but-young people, and even the kids post what they do, too! Awesome!

Feel free to check it out. It should be pretty motivational. I put the link on my sidebar, so you can always see the updates! It is OK to comment there too! Maybe you will find some motivation there for you! 

Happy Trails! 

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