Saturday, January 12, 2013

Life is Random . . .

 I take lots of pictures daily, but I am not as good at posting daily -- though I really would like to. For now, here are some random bits of life . . .

We were gathering clothes to give away, when I came across this gem from when Sammi was a baby. I was OK with giving it away, but Charles was not. He is super-sentimental. He grabbed it out and wanted to keep it "just in case." Just in case what? I am sure I don't know. Just in case I want to dress up Henry like a girl? Yeah, that is what we saved it for . . . 
After a year of having our TV, we finally started using some of the "smart" features on it, like the internet. We have been watching Kid History videos on youtube lately, they have a bunch of new snippets -- we love them! Now we can watch youtube videos directly on TV -- how cool is that? Yea! 
 If you have not seen kid history yet -- do it now. It is great.
 Just do a youtube search . . . Kid History. 
The kids were doing Wii's Just Dance, while lying on the floor  . . . it was entertaining. They were scoring just as well as standing up. 
 Henry playing on the floor. He loves to roll himself up in blankets. 
 I was trying to get a picture of William and Henry together, because their top teeth are both growing in at the same time. I thought it was silly. Henry is almost 9 months, and William is 6 in April. 
We finally had snow! And quite a bit for Boise, more than I have ever seen here in the last 5 years. 
The kids were LOVING it. 
 We have had some beautiful mornings around here . . . had to capture this sunrise, it only lasted a few minutes, but I caught it. So beautiful. Cameras on phones are the best -- always with you! 
Mindy (sis-in-law) and family came to visit us this week. 
She took Sammi with her to a girls college basketball game -- I think it was Wyoming vs. Boise? Yeah, that's is how into it I am! Sammi loved it though. 
 They were being twins . . . which is weird, since Mindy is my sis-in-law, and not blood-related? 

We had a herd of boys around here -- 6 of them. How did my Nan (Grandma) do it?? I just don't know?! Wow! To think she did not even have movies or video games to entertain them. (Just look at those blank stares into TV land.) 
Oh, and notice the map on the wall . . . it is my new favorite thing. 
This is what I see after school, when I go get the kids . . . I sure love them. They are such lovely beings. 
SO precious . . . 

 There was a snow day, and all the neighbor kids came rushing out to play. There were SO many of them! It was great. The kids were in winter-heaven. 

 One of our neighbors was giving rides on his 4 wheeler pulling a sled. He is now the coolest dad on the street. 

 How fun is that? Yeah, the kids were SO lucky! 
Winter Wonderland
 Despite the snow and frigid cold, I have kept running. I ran 5 days last week, and 6 days this week . . . I can feel my drive increasing, daily. It is not so much in my body, but in my mind. I can do this. I can. I have done it before, and I can do it NOW. I am doing it . . . 
My winter running view . . . 

Baby it's cold outside, but I don't care . . . I've got work to do! 
That's all for now! 
More life to come, if all goes well. :-) 


  1. Loved all the fun pictures. So glad you had a snow day. We are having a rain day and church just got cancelled for tomorrow. Roads too icy. No one is celebrating of course (especially Ray, since he will miss his 6am Bishopbric mtg.)

    So proud of you for getting your mental toughness wrapped around running again. It's always a mental battle. But, we can do hard things. Keep at it and report back.

    So, a face mask that allows you to breathe. Go to Costco, hopefully they still have them in stock. They have a hooded face mask for $10 I got one for Stephen for recess and it works great . Otherwise, order on line. or Sports authority. of course, you can always google face masks. Make sure they have holes by your nose and mouth, so you don't have to breathe like Darth Vader so much. : ) good luck. Let me know what you find. Way to be tough w/ winter running. I love that the geese are there for you. I love honking geese too and have felt their encouragement
    I rain 10 miles in the rain today and felt so refreshed. Slow and steady. Remember our runs in the rain in Anchorage? good times!
    Press on sister!


  2. love the map!! we have always loved that particular version and will have it as our own one day too!
