I have been thinking a lot about Faith.
And not just my own faith, but the faith of all those who believe, and even those who don't.
Faith seems to come so naturally to some. While for others, having faith is a battleground of confusion, doubt, and required evidence. "I will believe, if..."
For some, having faith is as easy as breathing. To say the words, "I believe," or "I know," requires no more effort than opening their mouths.
But for many, even most, having faith is difficult, even unthinkable -- especially in the times we live now. In this highly "evolved" society -- it is facts, not faith, that rule the day.
There was a time when faith was more widespread. Having some sort of religion was commonplace. But that is not the world in which we live now. Now we are so "advanced" that religion has become "optional".
Should we be concerned?
I know I am.
There are promises about what happens when we, as a Nation, forget God.
Big, catastrophic, apocalyptic, promises.
But that is another thought for another day...
Right now, I want to think about the individual.
Why is it that some people have hearts willing to trust, have faith, and believe? While others are consumed with fear, confusion, and doubt?
Perhaps it is upbringing? That might have something to do with it. But sometimes even those who are brought up "right" still stray from the path they were placed on.
There is always the power to choose.
I have also seen the opposite. Where upbringing has nothing to do with it. Charles was not brought up in faith, but at age 17 -- in a life-changing moment -- he was snatched from the jaws of hell, and he found the faith that would fuel the rest of his life.
So, perhaps it is nature, or perhaps it is nurture?
Or perhaps faith is a gift from God? Yes, I believe it is.
It is simply easier for some to believe than others.
But what IS it inside of each of us, that determines whether or not we will believe?
Whatever it is, it is powerful -- the gift of faith.
I have faith. I believe. I know God lives. I have always known this, from the time I was very small. I was taught to have faith, and I have always clung to it. I have had chances to do otherwise...
There have been times where I have been stupid, made mistakes (big ones!), and I have had trials enough to make me weak . . . but through it all, I still believed. I will always believe.
It is who I am.
If you were to strip away my faith, there would be nothing left of me. I would be void, empty, pointless.
Do not get me wrong, I have had questions. I have had to study, along with my faith. But I approach the things of God in a spirit of belief, and not doubt. And my questions are answered. Even if the answer is sometimes, "wait". I trust God, and that is easy for me to do. Being patient with myself is usually my biggest hurdle.
But that is me. And not everyone is like me. And that is OK.
Like I said, I have been thinking a lot about faith lately. Both in the believer, and the doubter.
I am amazed by those of all faiths, and religions, and I stand in awe of those who are devoted to God. I am also amazed by those of no faith who seem to have some sort of inborn desire to do good in the world. There are so many good, and beautiful people. Of all walks of life.
And regardless of whether or not you believe it, you are a Child of God. He knows you, and He loves you. If you accept it, or not, it is still true.
I know it.
One day we will all know it.
Do you have faith?
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