Thursday, September 5, 2013

Live Simply. Remain Grateful.

Our house is magic. We live in a 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom home, and we are happy

Six people living in such tight quarters, should not yield such happiness. How is it done, you ask? It is a miracle. A fabulous miracle. I could not be more grateful. 

Lessons Learned: 

I have learned so much in this small home of ours, here are just a few things ...

  • Contentment is a frame of mind, and is not found in the pursuit of things. 
  • We might not need as much as we think that we need, to function properly, and live happily. 
  • Children do not need as many toys as they have available to them, just a few will do. 
  • Living in close proximity to my children is a precious gift. 
  • My children thrive, as long as we are together. 
  • Being close together, makes you close together. 
  • You can live with 1 toilet, even with teenagers. 
  • Big house, or small house -- clean is what counts!
  • Less is more -- when you have to clean it!
  • There are no secrets in small spaces.
  • There is only one option: Get Along! 
  • There is great value, and lessons learned, by being in everyones business, all the time. 
  • Making a small home "perfect" is easier than making a big home "perfect"... less projects.
  • I don't have to spend my day cleaning a big house, which means I can have other hobbies. 
  • Sharing a room with siblings is a blessing, not a curse. 
  • Trumpets need mutes. 
  • Having my children sleeping in the room 2 steps away from me at night, gives me great peace.  
  • If you do not use it, or love it -- get it out of your house. 
  • It is a lot easier to raise a baby without stairs. 
  • The children are content with our circumstances, if I am. 
  • No amount of man-made items can fill the hole in your heart -- only God can do that. 
  • Four walls -- no matter the size -- can become your "Magic Place".
  • Home is not a place, but a feeling. 
  • Living small is not a burden, it is a blessing!
  • Gratitude is everything. 

The list could go on and on, and I learn more everyday! 

When we first arrived in our home -- over 5 years ago -- it was empty. And now, all these years later, our home is full. It is full of music, laughter, joy, and powerful memories that fill the very space in the air, and make it our own. 

Some memories from the little house ...

When you walk into our home, you step in and breath in "van Ormer". You are able to feel the spirit of our family (for better or worse!). This atmosphere is not something I went to school to learn how to create. No, it is something I have learned how to invite in.  I try, sometimes feebly, to do my best to create a spirit in our home that could soothe the savage beasts that often walk through my door. This atmosphere does not happen on accident, it does not happen without effort. I have to work to create it. 

This atmosphere, or feeling, can be created anywhere

We have lived in some pretty strange places in our time, but we have been able to take this same spirit of "home" with us wherever we go. And because of that, I know we can be happy pretty much anywhere. That gives me great peace. 

I am happy to live in our snuggly, quaint, small home -- right now. We may not be here forever, but it is where we are right now, and I love it. I am so grateful for this sweet place to raise our family. And though it is small, my children love it, too. Sammi cannot bear the thought of leaving her home. This place is magic for the children. It is magic for me. I feel very blessed to be here. 

The trick is, that no matter where you live -- whether it be in a mansion, or a mouse-hole -- just remember: 

Live Simply. Remain Grateful. 

And enjoy the magic of home! 


  1. This makes me wonder how I could ever stand to leave the only home where Jonah and Andy were babies and toddlers. I'll have to cherish it more while I'm here. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. As long as I've known you you've always created a nice feeling in your home....big or small. :)
