Tuesday, July 17, 2012


I was looking at Charles' phone and I came across a picture I had never seen. Apparently, he snapped this photo right after Henry was born. (I didn't know cause I wasn't really there -- though my body was lying on the bed.) Now, just ignore that poofy-looking lady to the left, and focus on the baby. Look at his coloring. I recall mentioning how "wrong" the descent of Henry felt, it was too fast. This picture shows the crazy bruising that Henry had after he shot-out of the canal at turbo-speed. The nurses kept mentioning to me how bruised he looked. He really was banged-up. I remember (vaguely) the nurses told me I was not ready to push, but I just could NOT keep him in any longer, so I pushed! Just another result of forced labor/contractions. Poor thing. 

I was also happy to find out THIS is the image Charles has been showing all his friends/colleagues. 

Thanks, honey. 

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