Friday, July 27, 2012

Catch-Up Blog

I should do more than one post but I am falling behind, so I will just make it one post full of a bunch of random things. I still don't even have this new blog the way I want it, but I will get it there, someday! 


First off, Sammi's Birthday. She turned 11 this year -- I can hardly believe it! My baby is almost in Young Women's! Yikes! This year was special for her, we decided to finally make her room look like a real room. It was time. I don't like to use the word "deserve" because I don't like the idea of being entitled to things -- but Sammi has spent the last 4 years sharing a room with her brothers, and living in a closet-bedroom in our 2 bedroom house. She was a real trooper, she made the most of it, and even loved her special closet room. (It was pretty awesome, I thought!) 
Sammi and her closet bedroom
It was a combined effort, and now her room is a lovely place for Sammi to be. She LOVES it, and is so grateful. I highly recommend depriving your children, it makes them appreciate simple things so much more. :-) 

 She wanted a Harry Potter birthday, so that is what she got! 
Sammi with her cake and Hogwarts letter
She woke-up to find she was accepted to Hogwarts, but the letter said her mother would be too sad to let her go . . . she was OK with that. Though I think she was a little disappointed she did not get to enter the Wizarding world. She will just have to keep the magic alive at home. :-) 
Grandma slaved ALL DAY to get Sammi's cake just right. I must say, it was a masterpiece! Way to go Grandma! 
She even used fondant, she found a recipe for it that actually tasted good. (Sometimes it is NASTY!) 
Sammi and Henry -- CUTIES! 
Birthday Girl
We have been doing some painting/remodeling furniture lately . . .

Sammi's shelves used to be wood-colored
Her drawers used to be nasty brown-stained with square handles . . . much better now! 
  Our dining chairs before . . . GROSS!

 Henry is growing SO BIG! He is nice and chubby-cute now. I LOVE this age. He is smiling and cooing and sleeping better, too! What a doll-baby he is. 

 Just a view from our yard . . . Somewhere over the Rainbow
 It's been a fun week!


  1. what a great cake! happy birthday sammi. :)

  2. Love it all. So true about depriving kids. They are so grateful when they do receive things. Love the cake, so happy your parents are with you. Tell them "hi". Love you guys!

  3. Cute Sammi, cute pink room, awesome cake, darling baby, and fabulous chairs!! Did I forget anything?
