Saturday, July 14, 2012

new blog

Well, since EVERYTHING else in my life has changed, I figured I might as well change my blog, too!
(Actually, it was NOT out of a desire for change, my old blog would not let me upload images anymore.) What is a blog without pictures? LAME!

 So here we are now . . . 

My old blog will still be viewable at:, but I will be posting here from now on.  (Perhaps this is a hint that it is time to turn my blog to book??) 

Anyway, since this is all new, I am going to try and do some new things. For starters, at the end of each post, I will add a quote of the day. You know, a little food for thought. (And you know how I like my food, and thoughts!) :-) I will continue to post about family, faith, food, and fun . . . and some other stuff, too. I hope to have more pictures, videos, and music. Lots of music. 

May this new blog be better than the old. It may not glitter, but to me it is gold. :-)

Love, Mari 

Quote of the day: 

"To love another person is to see the face of God." 
-Les Miserables

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