Thursday, July 19, 2012

Music Time with Grandma

 I wish everyone could have a Grandma living with them . . . especially the kind of grandma who can play the piano as amazingly as my mommy! 

We have been enjoying her magic fingers in our home. 
 Last night she played music from the Phantom and Les Miserables, so the kids were THRILLED to sing along! 
There was a moment when my kids were singing together, and my mom was playing . . . and tears filled my eyes. 

There is only one thing I enjoy more than singing myself and that is listening to my children sing! There is nothing better. Nothing at all . . . 

Love, Mari

Quote of the Day: 
“Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent”
Victor Hugo


  1. Amen sister!
    Totally feel the same way about Mom playing the piano with the grandkids. She's the best!!!! Rock on Grandma!

