Thursday, July 19, 2012

Music of the Night

While other teeny-boppers jump around dreaming of Justin Bieber . . . my daughter dreams about The Phantom of the Opera! 

A few weeks ago I showed Sammi a musical DVD of Love Never Dies, the sequel to Phantom. It had been sitting on our shelves for quite awhile, it was a DVD that grandpa sent -- but it looked a little cheesy (a sequel to THE Phantom?? That just did not seem right!). Anyway, we finally unwrapped the plastic wrap and stuck it in the DVD player. Despite my concerns . . . it was GOOD! (Not fantastic, but good.) Some of the music was super, and some just OK. And some parts were a little weird. 
But Sammi LOVED it! 
Then she watched the stage-play of the REAL Phantom of the Opera (thanks to grandma and grandpa who had it), and ever since that day she has been singing the songs, ALL THE TIME! (Think of me, think of me fondly . . . . ) She has also forced Daniel to dress up like the Phantom -- she has made him a little mask and everything. 

Since she suddenly seemed to take a keen interest in music, I thought it was time I showed her Les Miserables (The BEST MUSICAL EVER!). She liked it, a lot. However, Phantom remained her number 1. 

But who can blame her, really? The Phantom vs. Jean Valjean? When you are 11 years old, there is no question who's the winner! :-) 

And, really, who doesn't love a singing-psycho in a mask? 

Love, Mari

Quote of the Day:
Softly, deftly, music shall caress you. Hear it, feel it . . . Secretly possess you. 

-The Phantom


  1. Somebody in our family loves music? Hmmmmmmm..........

  2. Well....... a singing psycho is a lot better than a 70 year old man for me. Or Mr. Darcy : )
