President Samantha van Ormer
(She just got home from a basketball game, she was dressed-up!)
There is still some hope for this great Country of ours, and it is in our youth. The rising generation is so wonderful -- truly. I stand in awe of their courage, and spirit!
My dad used to tell me that I was supposed to be the first woman President of the United States. It was a nice thought, but my desire for such a role was never very great. However, that role may have skipped a generation . . . my Sammi was just elected the President of the United States, in her sixth grade class!
Go Sammi!
I am so proud of her for having the guts to do it! To become the President of the United States, she had to put together a 7 minute speech, answer debate questions, and speak/debate in front of the entire 6th grade! Then the entire 6th grade voted.
She was super lucky because her best friend, Hanna, ran as her Vice President! They were a dream-team. They are both such sweet, smart, sunshiny, beautiful girls! And yes, they beat the boys! Sorry fellas . . . you never really stood a chance.
Sammi and Hanna the day after their speeches . . .
Pictures of them giving speeches, etc., coming later.
Watch out world . . . here they come!
Here is Sammi's winning speech . . .
Hi, I’m Sammi van Ormer. Thank you for coming, and thank you Mrs. D-G for making this possible. Now I don’t want to overrule the world, but America needs changes. In 1776, America became a free country. I will do everything in my power to keep it that way. But, like my pioneer ancestors, we need to cross our plains and make sacrifices to have it happen. Freedom fills a lot of our decisions. To start, having a free country, free religion, freedom of speech, freedom of press, and many others. You use freedom every day, without it, we would be slaves. In Lord of the Rings, a man called Sauron tries to control every one and take away all choice. In Harry Potter, Voldemort also takes away others choice. Sometimes we just need a Harry Potter or Frodo or Flynn Rider to come and save us. Otherwise, we might be stuck in a tower like Rupunzel, never seeing the outside world. As your president I will assure your freedom so that you can make your wildest dreams come true. I have 3 main issues to talk to you about that are threatening our freedom.
Our first issue is the environment. This is our 1 world. Do you like to take walks by the river or bike rides up mountains? Have you been to the ocean or walked in the redwoods? Do you like to look for rainbows, or watch the sun sink under the hills as the sky turns into a glowing painting? These are things I enjoy, and I want to protect that! I wouldn’t want to live in a Walle-world full of trash and ruin. How would you feel if you had to walk around with a Darth Vader mask on? If we all do our part, the world would be a cleaner place! In my house, we each have 1 job, dishes, garbage, vacuum, etc. When we are done, the house is a lot cleaner!! Imagine if 1,000,000 people recycled 2 cans. It would make a ginormous difference! “Many hands make light work,” says my mom. So, let’s all do our best to keep the world clean.
Now onto issue #2, medical. This issue is rather personal to me and my family. My precious, chubby, 6 month year old brother, Henry, was born on April 24th, 2012. The normal person has 2 kidneys. Well, little Henry was born with 4 kidneys. Because Henry was born with 2 extra kidneys he had to have surgery, he will have to have to have more surgery, he must go to the doctor once a month, and he must take medicine every night to avoid infection. Because of all this my parents have to pay many super expensive medical bills. I do believe doctors should be paid very, very well, I mean they do so many amazing things, but because of the governments involvement, the prices are much to high! All of that money could have been used on Disneyland, a movie, or The Phantom of the Opera tickets for that matter!!
Next topic, Taxes. Many of you have probably seen some version of Robin Hood. Prince John wanted to steal from the poor to feed the rich. Robin Hood wanted to steal from the rich to feed the poor. In my mind, none of those ideas work quite right. I think we should have a 10% rule. Here are some examples: Make-$100 Pay-$10; Make-$10,000 Pay-$1,000; Make-$1,000,000 Pay-$100,000; Make-$30,000 Pay-$3,000; Make-$50,000,000 Pay-$5,000,000; Make-$4,600 Pay-$460. That way the government would get money and we could start paying off America’s debt. 10% of your income is fair to everyone! We don’t need the government to steal our hard earned money! Like my silly 5 year old brother said, ”Swiper, no swiping!”
I will leave you with these thoughts...
The most important thing to me as president is protecting your power to choose. I want to make a difference. I don’t want you to wear a Darth Vader mask because the air is horrible. I don’t want you not doing fun things because your medical bills are stopping you. I don’t want the sheriff of Nottingham knocking on your door for money. What I want for you is what I want for me, freedom. Freedom is the key to happiness. America is like our ship. Like Jack Sparrow said once, ”Wherever we want to go, we go. That’s what a ship is. It’s not just a keel, a hull and sail. That’s what a ship needs, not what a ship is. What the Black Pearl really is, is freedom.” Like the Black Pearl, America is our freedom. America is our chance to explore, to go where we want to go, to do what we want to do, to be as we we want to be, to dream what we want to dream, and to become what we want to become. I want you to be able to be free to become what you want to become without the government getting in the way. If you want to be in theatrical productions, amazing! If you want to go to the moon, or make movies, teach kids, work in a lab . . . I encourage you to pursue your dream!
As Spider Man’s uncle said,“ With great power comes great responsibility.” I am ready for that responsibility.
“Do or Do not, There is no try.”
Those were the words of a wise master Yoda.
I will not try to be a good president
I will be a good president!!
Vote for me, Sammi van Ormer
There is some good in this world . . . let’s fight for it together!
Perhaps if Romney would have quoted Yoda, he would have won, too! :-)
Well done, Sammi! We love you!