Thursday, November 1, 2012

Fall and Halloween

 There have been some beautiful Fall mornings around our neck of the woods. I particularly love the fog. 
The contrast of the fall colors and the settled fog was magical . . . 

 This year for Halloween the boys were Jedi, and Sammi was Hermione, again (Henry was a pumpkin, but he fell asleep). They had a great time trick-or-treating with Daddy and friends. I had a bad headache and opted to stay home . . . where I (and my parents) ended up passing out candy to more than 200 kids! It was crazy! I noticed an unusual amount of Zombies this year . . . like A LOT. I'm not a big fan of kids crusted in blood and guts. Yuck. I much prefer "happy" costumes. Though I have always thought Halloween costumes are just an outward expression of who you really are . . . (or at least who you want to be for a day!) :-) 

(Thanks grandma for making the Jedi-Robes! Awesome!) 
 Love these silly boys . . . 

This is Charles' pumpkin . . . do you know what it is? 
Think movies with Tom Hanks in it . . .  
 Sam is about as Hermione-like as one gets. She is running for President of the United States in her 6th grade class . . . against 3 boys. They have to give a speech, and debate, etc. She told me the boys said, "Oh great. We are doomed! (They used a foul word) . . . Sammi is running for President!" 
You go Sammi! 

 It is so weird . . . you can catch a glimpse of who Daniel might be as a man . . . Yikes! 
 And Will, too. 

 And Sammi . . . she is more than half-way to being a woman now! She will be in the Young Women program in July! Double-Yikes! 
 Light-Saber vs. Wand . . . that would be interesting?? 

 I have the power! 
 The house was last-minute cute. It is hard for me to get into Halloween, but for some reason I usually get a surge of excitement on the actual day . . . I had Disney's Haunted Mansion music playing through the window and everything. :-) 

 That was fun . . . 
Now onto the GOOD STUFF!!!! 


  1. go would get our vote for sure!

  2. I'd vote for Sammi. I don't even have to know the other jokers.
