Monday, October 22, 2012


It is a random picture sort of blog. I also wanted to answer some questions: 

1. The hair website:
2. The cabin website:  (great place to find lots of cabins, in lots of different places!)
3. Jenn -- this picture was taken at the very east end of Surprise Valley, at the pull-out near Highway 21

Now on to random stuff . . . 

Mom showing me her iphone 5 capabilities . . . panoramic view
 Daniel made a bunch of origami Yoda characters (it's a book) . . . he made one for everyone in his class. 
 Sweet sleeping baby
 Random Saturday morning at our house . . . 
 Sammi practicing her jumping skills
 Random Reindeer in the school parking lot . . . kids loved it! 
 Watching Sammi play basketball
 Remember that scarf Joe Biden made me ruin? I made lemonade out of lemons and turned it into a hat. :-) 
 Always wash your fruits and veggies . . . I found a dead Bee in my Costco raspberries. Blah. 
 We made banana muffins for Family Home Evening, the kids loved it. They were yummy! 
 Beautiful colors 
 Sammi and Dan enjoyed putting together the new office shelves . . . 

 Singing time with grandma . . . love Sammi's face. :-) 
 Grandma french-braided Sammi's hair so it would be all curly. I meant to take a picture of it after, it was SO cute! 
 William about to watch Sammi play b-ball

 Sammi ready to play. Their team is SO much better this year, thanks to their AWESOME coach! 

Good times. 

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