Monday, October 15, 2012


Henry is totally confident enough to wear tights. 
 Just look at those adorable rolls on his legs!   
What a cutie-pie. 

I just scheduled his next kidney-reflux ultrasound for November. (That is not going to be fun.) They will go up inside his little boy part, and smash him under a huge machine (like last time), except now he is alert and aware. Sad. But we'll see how his insides are doing. He still takes his daily antibiotic, like a good little boy. And, so far, his exterior seems great . . . let's hope he is holding-up on his interior! 

I sure love my little chubby-pumpkin! 

He brings such extreme joy into my life. I am so glad that even though I did not feel "ready" to have him, we still decided to bring him into this world anyway! 

He is so worth it. As are all babies. 

Sure my body may still be semi-mangled from pregnancy . . . but if I am ever feeling low about that, I just pick-up my sweet boy, and all my self-pity melts into smiles. 

Henry has helped me appreciate the fragility of life, and how glorious our physical bodies really are. He has changed me for the better, without a doubt. And for that, I am forever grateful. 

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