Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Can we go back?

I just happened across this picture of a group of Relief Society ladies, from a long time ago. I took a good hard look at them -- their apparel, their figures, their faces. These are women who obviously care more about others, than they do themselves. They care more about service, and working hard -- than being self-centered, fancy, and fashionable. They are women of great faith and fortitude. I love these women without knowing them. 

I think, maybe, we should try to be more like them . . . a little less selfish, egotistical, and image-obsessed. Always saying, "Me, me, me!" And we should focus more on loving, serving, and giving of ourselves . . . to others. 

For that is where true happiness lies . . . not in hair dye, jewelry, clothing, shoes, pants-size, or any other such self-promoting, worldly thing. Those things fade with time, and will all melt away when our time here is through. 

But charity -- the pure love of Christ -- that will never fade away . . . not ever. 

And though the "world" may advertise otherwise . . . there is nothing more beautiful than a woman who is giving of herself, and her time, to love and care for others. 

Just a thought. 

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