Friday, October 5, 2012

Pride and Prejudice

 I just watched the Hollywood version of Pride and Prejudice. I watched it with my 11 year old, Sammi, and she LOVED it . For what the movie is -- too short and hastily put together -- I think it is tolerable, but not the best. Of course it is not the best! The REAL Pride and Prejudice (by BBC), is the absolute most fantastic version ever! No doubt about it!

Just look at those two . . . Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth. 
The entire BBC casting was perfect! And the movie is phenomenal. 
I think it is time to pull out the "true" version of Pride and Prejudice, and expose Sammi to real greatness. 
Hot cocoa and 6 hours of Mr. Darcy, sounds good to me! 

I just kept thinking that the Hollywood version needed a different Mr. Darcy. (And a different Elizabeth, too, but I could not think of anyone for her part?) However, I have the perfect actor for the endearing Mr. Darcy.
Oh yes. Don't ya think? 

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