Thursday, October 4, 2012

Presidential Debate

*Warning: I am about to share my political views, and opinions. They are mine, and mine alone. You do not have to agree with me . . . we can still be friends. :-) 
I also just want to jot this down for history's sake. 
We had the opportunity to watch the debate last night. We had the Scouts over at our house, since it was Activity night. They watched as part of their being a good citizen merit badge, or something. (And Charles did not want to miss the debate!) We tried hard to keep it neutral in our home, since we were not allowed to persuade their views -- and very rightly so. But it was hard. Especially when the boys would shout out who they supported. And there was just a general discussion amongst the boys (and our kids were there, too, shouting out a certain name) -- the support definitely leaned towards a particular candidate. But, honestly, they were mostly bored -- except the boys seemed to liked watching the "tweeting" that was going on across the screen during the debate. Wow, times have changed!

This is the only (blurry) image I got . . . loading-up on kit-kats and ice-cream. 
I have to admit, I was worried. I was certain that the media would thrash Romney, and make it impossible for him to succeed. We watched on-line, at Before the debate the "reporters" (people who are supposed to present facts, not opinion) were all talking and "reporting" pro-Obama. But after the debate, they ALL started singing a different tune (except those they interviewed who were paid by the Obama campaign, of course). By the end of the debate the vast majority of reporters were singing a very different tune than they boasted at the beginning of the show-down. Suddenly, Romney was not so bad . . . it was pretty entertaining, actually.

At one point, after the debate, a studio reporter was asking an Obama campaign spokeswoman what she thought of Obama's performance.  The Obama-lady was saying only positive things, and she thought he did great. The reporter (who was in the studio) still had her mic on as the Obama-lady was talking, and not knowing she was on a live mic flat-out said, "I don't agree with that," right in the middle of the lady's comments! It was pretty fascinating stuff. Just watching the media's tone change was a show in and of itself. I guess some people change who they are supporting, based on who appears to be winning at the time.

The debate was fantastic to watch. As one who loves to observe people, this was super exciting for me! I remember discussing non-verbal communication in a Communication class in college, and we watched the Bush vs. Gore debate. (That was fun.) It was thrilling to watch all the non-verbals presented across the screen, during the debate, last night. I had two favorite non-verbal gestures: Obama nodding his head in agreement almost the WHOLE time Romney was talking, and Romney's twinkle in his eye as Obama was attacking him . . . Romney was ready -- and waiting -- to respond with gusto, you could just tell.  He looked thrilled to respond to accusations, and respond he did! I also enjoyed Romney's silly smile while he listened to Obama, and Obama looking down, not making eye-contact.

I just kept thinking, "Good on ya, Mitt! You are doing it!"

My favorite verbal communication was when Mitt talked about the Constitution and protecting the dreams of the people. That was powerful, and I wish there was more discussion about THAT. He did a beautiful job in that moment. Well done, Romney.

By the end of the debate, our particular media outlet (abc news), showed the reporters basically making fun of anyone who said Obama did a good job. They had plenty of Democrats they interviewed who said it was obviously Romney's night. But I think that 99% of the population who watched the whole debate would have to admit that Romney clearly dominated, and knew his stuff -- whereas Obama looked as though he would like to take a nap -- and caused me to want to take a nap -- while he was "explaining" his views. It was almost so extreme, it was weird. It was like Obama was saying, "I don't care, I don't want to do this . . . I got nothing, and I know it." Not what I expected from his performance. If I supported Obama, I would have been extremely disappointed in his performance last night.

But, since I don't support Obama, and it was clearly a win for Romney -- I (we) were overjoyed at Romney's performance. He did a bang-up job. He was a shining light. I loved that excited twinkle in his eye! "If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear". . . I think Romney was actually thrilled to be debating!

Now, I know it could get messy in the near future, and the topics of the future debates will be interesting to watch. I have no doubt Obama is getting the smack-down from his advisors, and he will have to pull out a new version of himself for the next few debates (that should be super exciting!). All it takes is one wrong move -- like a disinterested sigh -- to throw it all off. But, if Mitt can just keep up his momentum, and pull through to the end . . . there might be some hope!

After last night, I must say . . .  I dare to hope, again. Thanks Mitt!

And regardless of what happens, regardless what the voice of the people ends up choosing . . . Mitt, you have done us proud! Thank you!


  1. I think you're reading way too much into the non-verbal stuff. It's what they said and what they've done that should influence your vote.

    Since it was mostly half-truths from both sides*, the "debate" just seemed pointless. The moderator completely failed to make them explain their wild accusations or just as wild "plans".

    Anyway, just read the facts and you'll see how screwy it really was:

    1. This sounds like a "conversation" we could have until 4 o'clock in the morning. ;-)

      Don't you worry, Johnny, I am making my decision based on much more than the twinkle in Romney's eye, and the lack thereof in Obama's.

      No, I am basing my decision on something WAY more important than non-verbals.

      I am voting for Romney, because I prefer the color of his tie. :-)
