Thursday, November 8, 2012


 I was just going through my photo library, and I came across these random images. (Slides my parents are putting on the computer.) It made me realize how much I love pictures. I love them. So much is captured in a photo . . . so much history. I am so grateful for cameras! As I looked at the images, it made me want to start working on my own life's history. I have lots of journals, but I would love to have my life written down -- from the beginning -- and put it into book form, for my posterity. I know I love to read through histories of my family and ancestors. It is inspiring. I also have my mom around, so I can pick her brain about my early childhood days. 

I am considering starting a separate blog for this purpose. I can add images, history, etc., (basically life highlights, and defining moments) and then print it off in a blog book. It will be a project ongoing, but it should be fun! I mean, who doesn't want to reopen the teenage years? (Yikes!) 

We are encouraged to do family history work, and especially encouraged to write down our own history. If you have not started, you may want to give it a go! (Before you forget everything!) Who knows, it may be therapeutic? Just remember . . . everyone has a story! 

Once I get that blog up and running, I will just link new posts to this blog, in case you care to look. :-) 

This image is of my siblings, minus baby Johnny. 
Kary, Bob, Me, Beth
Looks like the older kids are the parents of the younger kids. :-) 
Me and Beth in Arizona
 My mom with Kary and Bob
 Bob and Kary 
Arizona Christmas time
 My Dad with Bob and baby Kary . . . check out that carseat! 
 Christmas at my parents house, more than 40 years ago . . . a little sparse. Just wait til you see what my mom does with our house this year! It will be amazing! 
Kary, Aunt Cindy, Baby John
My Dad and Bob in front of Grandma Lindquist's house
 I love this picture of my mom, she looks like a beautiful elf. :-) It is such an awesome picture. Classic. 
 My Dad in their small home. I love the pink Santa. 
 Another Christmas more than 40 years ago. Love those white blocks, and classic toys. 
Bob with us girls. 
 Me in front of Grandma's house, winter time in Utah. 
I just love reflecting on the past! It makes me feel like Christmas, all warm and fuzzy. 

Now to get started on my project . . . my history! 

1 comment:

  1. That's a fantastic idea!! Go for it! Will it be okay if we do the same with our family pictures? :) you are amazing & did a great job!! Loving those pictures! (I do remember Bob & Kary as older teenagers when I was just maybe over 10 years old. Wow!!
