Monday, November 5, 2012

The Sun Will Come Out . . .

November 6th, 2012. 
Now, of course I know you are not supposed to discuss religion and politics with your friends, but it is far too late for that! 

I have to tell you . . . I woke-up today feeling hopeful, anxious, and nervous, about tomorrow. Seriously, I have butterflies in my stomach, right now! This could be a an extraordinarily fantastic, and historic moment -- or it could be a HUGE let down!! (I am putting it lightly.) 

There has never been a time where the choice was more important for the future of our country. The paths are clear. The choice -- and consequences -- will be remarkable. 

I just wanted to write it down for my records, family history purposes, and for my posterity . . . 
Let it be known that I voted for Mitt Romney! 
He is not a perfect man, but I do believe he is uniquely qualified to guide our great Nation to better days -- I really do. And I hope -- with all my inner-gut hope -- that he gets the chance. 

I also wanted to jot down some points that we have personally experienced in our lives, so it is clear I am not blindly voting for Romney, without cause, or purpose.  In our house, we know both sides of the ticket -- very, very, personally. We have had government assistance out of necessity, and we have run our own business . . . striving for the "American Dream." 

 And as for me and my house -- we are choosing Romney. 
(Even the Democrats that live in my house!) 
 My Life Perspective Points: 
  • We lived off of food stamps/WIC during our poverty-stricken Law school days
  • We have had our children's birth and medical needs paid for by Medicaid
  • We have an astronomical amount of Federal Student Loans
  • Our home value dropped during the "recession" and it is still currently underwater
  • We have gone without health insurance 
  • We have a child with special medical needs and we pay over $1000 a month for insurance and medical bills
  • We run our own business 
  • The amount we pay in taxes (equal to the amount of two brand new cars!) could have been used to hire an employee 

I could go on . . . but you get the point. 

Now, I am not going to go into the details of too much government involvement causing many of the problems (like education loans, medical insurance, taxes, etc.). Or the fact that our personal reliance on government programs -- like food stamps -- was because of the insanely high cost of higher education (caused by the governments involvement in the student loan programs). And don't even get me started on taxes! No, it is too late for all of that rhetoric. Tomorrow has come! And for us, we made our choices: to go to school, to have babies, to try and make our way in the world . . . and we take full responsibility for our choices. But things in America need to change. The Nation needs an extreme makeover, so that Americans can accomplish their hopes and dreams . . . and rekindle the courage to pursue them! 

 I feel very strongly, right now, that America is not pointed in the right direction. 

It is time. Time for change. 

 And not just changing the President, but even more importantly -- the people. We could do, and be, and become . . . so much more than we are today. Sometimes we all need a little help, a little "handout" -- if you will. But we should not give-up and give-in, and rely solely on handouts, and the government to rescue us. A little boost, fine. A little help and assistance when necessary, absolutely. Those in dire need, yes. But NOT a land of entitlement to life-long handouts. We are Americans. We live in the land of hope and hard work. We cannot let that die. We must not let that die! I believe that we can still work hard, move forward, and make our dreams come true! It takes WORK! And we, as Americans, need to stop being so lazy, and get back to dreaming, building, creating, exploring . . .  and becoming who we are meant to be! 

I have personally seen my husband go from growing-up in a rundown trailer-park, to doing what it takes to become a hard-working Attorney. Through hard work, vision, and courage -- anything is possible in America. I believe that. I know it. I have seen it. I want to protect it! 

May freedom to pursue our dreams always be possible in this great land. 

May the people of America choose better days ahead! 

"There is some good in this world, and it is worth fighting for!" 
-Samwise Gamgee

May God bless the United States of America. 

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