Friday, November 30, 2012

Blogger Album Full?

I have had a few people ask me what to do about their blogger albums being full, so I thought I would post the solution. It is simple, really. (I am no techie, but I learned from trial and error.) If you are freaking out, calm down . . . it is a quick and painless fix. (Jeepers, I wish I would have figured it out BEFORE I started my whole new blog!) 

So, before you start a new blog, try this . . . 

  • You have a max amount of image space on your blog, since all your blog images are stored in Picasa. (Or somewhere.)  
  • Most of us don't resize our pictures before uploading them, but you should . . . 
  • As long as your images are under a certain size, you can keep uploading them for free . . . the size is 800 x 800. (VERY IMPORTANT!) 
  • Always resize (shrink to under 800x800) before uploading! 
  • You should delete some images in your Picasa albums to free up some space, but if you resize (shrink) your images before uploading, it should not be a problem. 
  • You can still make your images bigger by clicking directly on the image while creating a post, and choose small, medium, large, etc. 
Give it a try, and see if it works for you! 

I figured it out because I was told my images were already full on my NEW blog! Since resizing my images, I have not had a problem, and I have been able to blog again. (I could have kept using my old blog had I figured it out earlier, dang it.) 

Hopefully this helps! I know I was so relieved to finally figure it out! 

Happy Blogging! 

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