Wednesday, November 28, 2012


I have been trying to workout more consistently. I was doing really good jogging/walking in the summer, and then school started, it got colder outside, I was breastfeeding every 2 hours, Henry was not sleeping, my lower back was killing me, my hip was messed-up, and let's see . . . excuses, excuses. 

Well, I quit breastfeeding about a month ago, and my life has improved dramatically! Henry sleeps through the night on formula, and so do I! As a result, I do not feel like a zombie, my hormones are starting to balance out, and my drive to workout has returned! Hooray! (My body was working overtime as a milk-producing Mama, and it felt awful!)

 I decided to start strength-training instead of running, because every time I would run, my hip hurt worse. (It's a lot of pressure on my poor bones, carting around my post-partum fluff.)  So, instead, I have been doing Fat-burning Pilates, and Tae-Bo, for the last few weeks. My hip feels a lot better, and my lower back, too! My body LOVES strength training, it really thrives on it. So far, I feel a lot better, and I hope to keep it up. The best thing is, I can do it anytime, in any weather, and in the privacy of my own room. (Trust me, no one wants to see me sweating in my spandex!) It just got to the point where the thought of going out in the cold was too discouraging, and the thought of having a pain in my hip was too much, and I would not run. (I will run again, but not daily.) Now, I have no excuse not to do my indoor workout. I get to it right after dropping the kids off at school, and Henry hangs out in his crib, while I jump around like a spandexed-monkey. It has been super. It will continue to be super . . .

The Pilates video has you do hundreds of squats/crunches/cardio/toning. It is intense, but not jarring. I like it, a lot. It make me feel really good. Running makes me tired, strength-training gives me energy. And squats are amazing for your body. I love them. I really do. Pilates is all about your "powerhouse" and strengthening your "core." And boy, do I need that! 

Tae-bo is crazy. It is like Pilates on steroids. I use the advanced video, and you sweat buckets, and it is all punching/kicking/squats and lots of crazy-intense stuff. I love it, and hate it -- at the same time. I have had the video since I was 17, but it really is an amazing workout. An hour of pure body-torture. Love it. Oh, and Billy Blanks is so motivational. He always knows just what to say . . . and what to wear. :-) 

I really try to give it all I got. Sometimes, during the cardio, or the mat work, I get exhausted and I want to quit. But I just keep flinging my body around, because I know it will feel great when I am done. I love it because it is always a challenging workout. No matter how in-shape you are, you can always have better form, add intensity, and muscle strength -- so it remains difficult, but feels better when you do it, the stronger you are. I feel a difference already. The first day was death. I could barely hold my arms up in position. Now I am making progress. I just have to keep her going! 

 My new motto: 

Sweat is Fat Crying! 
(Yes, that is my sweat!) 
And . . .

Leave the Fat, on the Mat! 
(This mat is usually soaked by the end of a workout. Gross.) 
 So, onward to feeling good! 
(I'll admit, looking good would be nice, too!) 

And may Heaven help me to heal this glorious, mangled, body of mine! 

It is time to unbury this healthy, strong, happy, girl again . . . she wants to free! 
(Check out my arms! Yeah, those were my Tae-Bo arms! Woo!) 
I know I can do it. I have done it before. I was about at the same place, physically, after Daniel. And I got in my best shape, after being in my worst shape. I can do it. I am doing it . . .
To Health! 


  1. good luck, wish i had your motivation. :)

  2. I love Tae Bo as well and I love Billy he really does know what to say at the right times. What a great guy. Pilates is really good as well. You'll be great.
