Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas Break

We had a wonderful Christmas, full of fun and family time. Loved it. It even snowed just a little for us. I captured these pictures while out for a jog . . . so beautiful! 
 There was lots of creating and building . . . especially by Charles  
 The house was covered with Christmas residue
 Playing, lots of playing . . . 
 Nerf wars . . . too much fun! 
 Grandma shooting stuff

out running with the kids . . . 

 They all ran really well . . . love to have them with me! 

 We started out frozen and ended up sweaty and hot

 fun together
 Henry enjoying his new toys
 A trip to Idaho City to play in real snow . . . it was really pretty there! 

 Yea! Enough snow to play! 
 They loved it. 
 Christmas P.J.s 
 They all slept in Sammi's room Christmas eve, so cute. 

Just wanted to post Christmas before moving on to the New Year! 

1 comment:

  1. Wish I could have been there for the nerf battle. Mom looks like she's having only a little bit of fun. : )
    Glad you got out in the snow. Just gotta have it at Christmas time. Makes it magical.
    Hope you are blessed w/ a happy new year with many miracles.

    Love you sister!
