Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas Photos

I pulled out my camera, and got some cute pictures of the kids. I don't have a fancy camera, just a basic one. 
Oh, how I would love a fancy-shmancy camera! Someday . . . 

 Little Mommy 
 And taking care of Henry
 Love it! 

 Yes, they are laughing at the crying baby . . . 

 They put Henry in a basket, because it was cute. 
 All I want for Christmas is . . . yep, just in time! 
 This one is a little creepy . . . 
 Sammi on the Sax

 Grandma was doing a dance to get them to smile. :-) 
 Sammi got the most photo-time because, well, she was holding the baby. :-) 

I took about 300 pictures, and most of them were like this . . . 

 I was lucky to get even one good one! 

Merry Christmas! 


  1. They are all very cute with an awesome Christmas backdrop!! It was nice to visit with you the other day. :)

  2. Super darling photos Mari! Love the hats! I am so impressed that you all make them. McKinley and Stephen love the ones that Sam and Dan made for them.
    You take really fun pictures of your kids. I really like the white shirt and jeans with the red hat. Look at how creative you've become....hmmmm... are you realizing how much you are like your mother?
    You should see me..... playing the piano in primary, leading the youth choir in our ward. Who, me? Yep! That's right, I'm turning into Mom too and I have no complaints. I even lift my shoulders as I play the piano and feel the music. Do you know what I mean? I'm sure you've seen Mom do it. I've always loved that about her playing. She really feels it!

    Hope you're enjoying all the magical moments of the Christmas season.

    love you and sure hope to see you this summer.

    I haven't blogged until today and I finally just checked your blog for the first time in a while. I'll try and keep up better in the new year. I always enjoy your blog. Keep at it.
