Thursday, December 13, 2012

Pants . . . to Church?

When my parents were serving their mission on the beautiful Island of Samoa, the Bishop got up from the audience to speak -- wearing a Lava-Lava (a skirt), and bare feet. 

 I just read in the news today, that some women in the Church (the Mormon feminists, as they call themselves), are calling for a "women wear pants to church day," this Sunday. The reason is to show their "equality" with men. They want to prove a point, make a statement, bring attention to themselves, and solidify their feminist platform. 

I think we are probably pretty clear on how I feel about that issue, if you read my post: HERE
(Weirdly enough, I had no idea about this "pants day" thing before I wrote it -- I actually gasped when I saw it as a headline.) 

So, as for wearing pants to church on Sunday . . . really? REALLY? Come on, ladies . . . who cares

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has issued a statement saying that church members are encouraged to wear their best clothing as a "sign of respect for the Savior," but that they don't dictate clothing choices beyond that.

If you want to wear pants to church, fine. Wear them! If you want to wear a dress, skirt, jeans, sweatpants, moon-boots, sandals, bare-feet, business suit, prom dress, overalls, flapper-outfit, tuxedo, tennis shoes, a plastic bag . . . you name it. God will still love you . . . and you will still be welcome at church. (I think I have seen everything -- except the plastic bag.) 

But the point is not what we wear on the outside . . . but what we wear on the inside, that counts. 

I have often said this before: 
Go to Church to worship -- NOT to be worshipped. 

Hence, our clothing choices might be made with that in mind . . . and that goes for anything we choose to wear into the House of the Lord -- and I am not just talking about pants. Perhaps we can remember we are dressing for church, not a cat-walk. It might be a good thing to keep in mind as we dress on Sunday mornings -- Church is not a fashion show. (I know, shocking.) Just consider, do we spend more time preparing our wardrobe, beautifying our faces, and gussying-up our hair, than we do preparing with prayer and fasting, beautifying our spirits, and gussying-up our hearts? I am sure we all have improvements to be made in this area. Especially me. Oh, yes . . . I am very flawed. I'll be the first to admit it! Whew! I have work to do!  

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, is a World-Wide Church. 
The people are as varied as their cultures, customs, and clothing . . .  and it is fantastic
Look at these beautiful children of God . . . I love them without knowing them! 

  Just beautiful . . .

So, on that note . . . my dear, dear, feminist sisters . . . whom I surely love . . .  
Perhaps it is not pants that need to be worn to church. Perhaps, my sisters, what needs to be worn -- is a broken heart, and a contrite spirit. 
Pants just won't solve your problems. They won't, I promise. 
But if you can change the fashion of your heart -- maybe open it, soften it, or heal it -- then you may just find the happiness you are desperately searching for. 
And that goes for ALL of us. 
Especially me. 

It's all about love . . . not pants. 


  1. great post. :) would be fun to talk about this another time!

  2. True! When I heard the news about wearing Pants to church, I was like huh? But like you said, as long we have clothes on our back, its important what's inside ourselves, not outside! We can't judge others by what they wear, or how they dress. True that about Church isn't a 'Fashion Show', Dang, I could've worn dress!! Teehee!! Just be glad that we are Children of God & He loves us all no matter what. I love what you said it 'Go to Church to worship, not to be worshipped!' There you go!


  3. Wow, Mari. Great post! So true. Whether we go to church in pants to prove some point, or we go to show off how cute our skirt and boots are, we are there with the wrong spirit. I had no idea about the pants thing until reading about it on another blog today. What a waste of a Sunday it would be to show up at church with such pride and a hardened heart.
