Monday, December 10, 2012

Random Shots

 It has been a beautiful Christmas season. It has been full to the brim of things to do, people to see, and parties to attend. But most nights, there is time to sit back, relax, and enjoy the sweet and simple things -- like the perfect cup of hot chocolate. Mmmmm . . . yummy. 

The last few weeks, we have all been sick with the flu. It has worked it's way through everyone of us. (There are 8 of us living in one house.) Charles is currently fighting with it, poor thing even went home from church right after the sacrament. It really is just awful. It knocked me out for a week! All you can do is take it easy, and try to recover -- it is so physically exhausting. I have not felt that ill for a long time. Hopefully everyone is on the mend, and we can get on to the good stuff! We have been enjoying ourselves, regardless . . . just mostly under the influence of NyQuil. :-)

I love Christmas time for the little moments, like sitting around the sparkly and inviting tree while reading, playing with the baby, chatting, or just Christmas dreaming. 
 It just makes you feel happy -- full of light.  And joy and light is what Christmas is all about.
 I love sweet family moments, like Patty-Cake with Grandma, and watching my oldest child cuddle my youngest child. 
I love the feelings of warmth and love that fill the air . . . William made me this space ship as a present. 
 He was so happy to share it with me.
I love it all. It is the best time of the year. I am trying to fully soak it in. 

Oh, and this year, we have a special advent calendar; the kids run first thing every morning to check it . . . William calls it the, "Epic Calendar." 
It has been an exciting new addition to our Christmas traditions. 
This week is packed full of activities: Botanical Garden lights, feeding the missionaries, having company over for dinner, ringing the Salvation Army bell, two ward Christmas parties, Sammi's band concert, and that is just extra stuff on top of the normal stuff.  It should be a fun week! 

May the Spirit of Christmas ever be in your heart! 
Don't let yourself feel overwhelmed and busy -- just embrace it, love it. 
This is the one life you have to live. 
Live it! Love it! 

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