Friday, October 11, 2013

Habits and Lessons

The Dishes

I am becoming a creature of habit. About a month ago, I made a goal to have an empty sink before heading off to bed. I had not thought much of it, but with the school year, and more going on now, I find that if I am greeted with a load of dirty dishes first thing in the morning -- it gets my day started off on the wrong foot.

So, every night before I go to bed, I do the dishes. Even if it is late. And you know what? It REALLY makes a difference. When I can start my day without the mess, I feel a greater sense of calmness in my heart and head. The sink is a source of peace or panic for me. If the sink is full, I feel like the whole house is a mess. But if it is clean, everything else seems like no big deal! (Except the laundry that is, the laundry is a big deal!)

P.S. That water bottle is my 100+ ounces to drink each day

P.P.S. If I could just figure out the laundry thing, then I would be set! With the space we have in our house + 6 people our clothes seem to form an ongoing mountain range between the two bedrooms, the bathroom, and the laundry room. Seriously, if you want to come over, call first, otherwise I will make you fold laundry.

Over 1000 Names 

Also on my daily schedule of habits is Family History Indexing. I know, sounds boring, right? But it has become so second nature for me now. I have committed myself to simply one batch a day, and I have been doing that for over a month now. It is easy, it takes only a few minutes --10 at most. But by doing the little things, it really adds up!

Because I have given 10 minutes out of my day, each day, there is the potential for over 1000 people and their information to be accessed by their posterity. It is no big deal for me, but it is a BIG deal for them! And now I literally cannot go to sleep until I have fulfilled my commitment. Every. Single. Night.

I am a Mother of 4, and so my commitment had to be something realistic. But it is by small and simple things that great things are brought to pass! I have only been going for a little over a month now, after a year I will have made some REAL progress! Amazing! Hooray!

Working out with Billy

After being sick for a month, I am trying to regain some health and strength. I am trying to get Taebo back on my list of habits. The first time doing squats and lunges -- after nothing for a month -- was torture. I was screaming at Billy for causing such pain! And then he would say something like, "Who's a leader? YOU! YOU ARE!" and I would answer him, "That's right, I'm a LEADER!!! AHHHHhhhhhhhh!!!!" My legs would quiver under the stress, but I kept doing it. Why? Because I am worth it.

Hats, Hats, Hats! 

Hats are a major habit around here. I had a friend over yesterday to learn how to use the loom. I also had another friend (my Visiting Teacher) over at the same time, and it was pretty hilarious what happened to the house. While we women were talking about the Power of Women/Motherhood the kids were running around throwing toys and rearranging the kitchen drawers. Almost every inch of the floor was covered with something. I had to take a few pictures, I just thought it was so funny. Sure it was chaos, but sometimes you just have to let the children play so the Mommies can chat!
 They found the "junk drawer" to be very interesting.

Lessons from my Bed

Also on my list of habits is reading the quotes on the slats above my bunk bed. There have been days that have been hard (I was sick for a long while), and I find my heart lifted by the words written on the wood.

If I were to be honest, I'd have to say I am starting to loathe the bunk bed. It has worked for the last 6 months, but it is certainly not ideal. One of the things I miss the most is being able to see Charles' face at night while we chat. Now our conversations are more like, "Hey you up there, how's it going?" And we talk without seeing facial expression/emotions -- which is interesting. There is something special about being able to see the twinkle in the eye, or even the concern, or joy, or pain.

I have also gained a great sense of empathy for people who live differently than I do. I have had many thoughts about people who sleep alone, people who go to bed sad, and scared, without a companion. I have been allowed to experience a minuscule fraction of such feelings, and I have cried my eyes out at night for you who suffer with such things like being alone. My heart aches for you, truly. You courageous and strong, wonderful people . . . may God give you strength.

I have also thought of those who have nothing -- not even a bed -- or a roof over their head. So many people live in such harsh circumstances. I have great and tremendous reason to be grateful for every. single. thing. that I have been blessed with. I think sometimes we can forget how truly fortunate we are because we are surrounded by such abundance. But gratitude -- no matter the circumstances we live in -- can fill your heart with joy.

Sometimes I stop and feel such a sense of appreciation for how we have been able to make our home work for our family. Make no mistake, we are bursting at the seams at this point, but there is still such a strong sense of joy for me, in our home. I know I can take that joy with us wherever the future may take us.

We will not always live this way, one day things will be different. We could go out and buy a big house and make things different right now, but it has just not felt right, right now. We have to be patient, and wait. And I love to wait. I love being patient. I am really good at waiting...

The thing is, that is where life happens, in the "middle parts".  Real life is in the waiting, the "being patient" times. They are the stories that will be told, the adventures to be shared. Sure the waiting can be tough, and fraught with peril and dragons, but it can also be enjoyed!

I do believe I will look back on these times as some of the most precious times our family ever had. Instead of wishing the "waiting" away, I might as well enjoy life now, don't you think?! 


  1. I feel the same way you do about a clean sink and honestly I also need a clean house to wake up to, but thankfully like you the house isn't to hard to clean. The joys of a small house. Beth

  2. Totally true! It is really amazing the difference waking up to a clean kitchen makes! Thanks for teaching me how to make hats. I love to be creative but lack the patience for things that are difficult to learn. This is easy and therapeutic. The kids loved having free reign for a little while we did that! So funny all these little people running around. :)
