Video and images retrieved from:
hereThe Boise Idaho Temple is open to the public, for a limited time! (October 13th-November 10th.) For tickets to the Boise Idaho Temple Open House click:
here. (Tickets are merely for crowd control, you can try and just show up -- you will not be turned away.)
I am so excited. I have greatly missed having the temple in my life. I was attending about once a week, before it closed for renovation. My life was so full of light and hope -- it is amazing how temple attendance can do that for you. I have felt the void that has been in my heart, not having the temple to attend. Needless to say, I am SO thrilled to go again!
I love the temple. It is a place of great peace, comfort, and learning from on High. It is such a comfort to "leave the world" for a moment, and step into Heaven -- as we separate from the noise, chaos, and confusion that dwells, just outside the doors.
The temples of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints are sacred,
not secret. In the world we live in today, there are very few things (if any) that people revere as sacred -- the word seems to slip from understanding. In the world
everything good and virtuous is spoken-of, and defiled --
nothing is sacred. So it seems that people have a hard time understanding, when something sacred is kept protected.
However, before the temple is dedicated for it's sacred purpose, there is an Open House. It is an amazing opportunity to come in the doors, and see what it is all about, and to feel the special Spirit that dwells in such a Holy place. Everyone is welcome! Bring your children, even your babies! Come, and experience the beauty of The House of the Lord.
Please watch this video for information about temples, and beautiful images of the inside of temples . . . a little preview.
As you know, I love family history, and this is why. We believe that families can be together forever --not just until death do you part. I should say, I know families can be together forever. I cannot imagine being separated from my family after death. No, I want to be with them forever and ever -- because I love my family more than anything! Death does not hold quit the sting, when you know you will be with your family again. The ordinances of the temple makes that possible. I know it.
Below are some images of the inside of the Boise Idaho Temple . . . it is breathtaking what they have done.
*The different rooms are described in detail in the video above.
Below I share my own views . . .
The Baptismal Font. This is where baptisms by proxy are performed. (Often called Baptism for the dead.) It is not as strange and weird as many think it sounds. We are simply baptized in behalf of those who did not have the opportunity to do so themselves. We especially focus on our own kindred dead, from our own family lines. Baptism is an essential ordinance in receiving exaltation -- as I think most Christians/religions would agree. But we believe that everyone should have the chance for exaltation . . . not just the very few who had the chance for baptism in life. How sad that would be for those who did not have the opportunity! God is a just, fair, merciful, God. Why would he allow so many of His children -- who would desire to dwell with Him -- to be damned? No. God provides a way for all of his children, who so desire it, to receive eternal life and exaltation. It is a glorious thing! I love it!

We are anxiously engaged in this work, because we want all of God's children to receive the ordinances necessary to dwell with our Heavenly Father again! Is that not a beautiful thing?! Of course, those who have passed from this world will choose (this is very important to understand), they will choose whether or not they will accept the work done on their behalf. It is not forced upon them. Our greatest gift from God is agency (the power to choose) after all. It is not like we are "forcing" our deceased to be Mormon, as many think. No, we are just providing the sacred ordinances -- such as baptism -- so they can choose whether or not they want to except the Gospel of Christ, and live with God again. And sure there are vast amounts of unrecorded people, and those who are lost to record books and history . . . but with God nothing is impossible. We do all we can do of the work now, and He will provide the way for all of His children to have the opportunity . . . that is a whole other topic entirely!

So, for now, what I do is gather names of my ancestors using on-line tools, and history books, etc. And then I go:
here. It is a the family history website where all of the information is stored. The church has been involved in family history work for a long time, and has vast amounts of tools, and resources available -- it is astonishing, really. (Anyone can use the resources, not just members, and not just for temple work!) So, I find those who's work has not been done (a lot of my family line has already been done, but not Charles', since he is a convert). I gather their information, and names, and we bring them to the temple, where, by proxy (someone acting on their behalf -- sometimes me), will help them receive the ordinances necessary to return to their Heavenly Father. It is
not weird, or strange -- it is sacred and beautiful. And a true privilege to help in the work of the Lord. I have done it. I have felt it. I know it is true. I am grateful for the chance to help in this sacred work.
Some of Charles' ancestors . . .
Brigadier-General Charles Lindley Hines and Helen Frances Boes.
These are REAL people we are doing the work for! Not just shadows of the past. Whether or not they choose to accept it, is up to them.
I love family history and temple work!
continuing on . . .
This is simply the entrance, where you show your temple recommend. You receive a recommend by going to your local church leaders (Bishop and Stake President), you answer questions of your worthiness (keeping the commandments, cleanliness, etc.). You need to be worthy to enter the House of the Lord -- not perfect. It is like not taking the Sacrament unworthily, you do not want to enter the temple unworthily either -- if that makes sense. Those who enter are not people who have achieved perfection, they are just those who are trying their best to live righteous, clean, lives -- loving and serving God.

The Temple is adorned with the most beautiful architecture and design. I cannot image The House of the Lord being anything less than pure and beautiful. It is meant to represent Heaven, after all. The Pioneers used to give of their very finest jewelry, fine china, fine linens, etc., when they themselves lived in very humble circumstances. But when you understand the importance of what goes on in the temple, there is no worldly sacrifice too great, or vice too strong -- to keep you from wanting to return to our Heavenly Father's presence.
Celestial Room
When we attend the temple we change from our street clothes, into all white clothing. It is beautiful to behold. What a contrast from the cares, and fashion of the world. (Especially now, as fashions are so extreme, and dark -- even gross -- in nature!) It also really gives you the sense that we are all brothers and sisters. We are all God's children.
The Brides Room.
Where you get ready before getting married.
Instruction room
A place of learning of the purpose of life
Sealing room
Where you are sealed for Time and Eternity . . . not death do you part.
Temple Workers
The people who work and assist in the temple ordinances are not "untouchable" clergyman. They are your everyday Latter-Day Saints, like my parents. Both men and women assist in the work of the Lord in the temple. It is a marvelous, beautiful, opportunity -- to work in the the temple. I have seen firsthand the blessing that have come, from my parent's service in the temple.
There is so much more . . . for more information about temples go:
here.I am so excited to take my whole family through!
Oh, and there has been some confusion about the differences between Mormon Chapels, and Mormon Temples. They are
very different! I thought this explains it marvelously.
It is a great opportunity to see that we Mormons are not as weird as you think.
Or, maybe we are . . . but we are happy about it. :-)