Wednesday, July 17, 2013

1 Can

We have one toilet. We have six people. Unless we want to dig holes in the backyard, or use a bucket, the toilet HAS to work. 

Most of the time, our toilet is golden. It works fantastic. 

But I also have one of these . . . 

A little cherub who likes to give offerings to the porcelain throne. 
The first time he chucked something down the shiny portal, Charles was on a Father & Son campout. We girls were left at home to figure it (the clog) out on our own. And we needed that toilet. 

So, there was nothing for it. I had to find a way, or call a plumber. And, being the cheapskate that I am, I wanted to test all options first. 

Now, I fancy myself savvy when it comes to using a plunger. If the clog can be unclogged with a plunger, I can do it -- no problem. But when there is a toy involved, a plunger is not the proper tool. 

So, if you are like me, and you have a baby that likes to play in the toilet water, and watch his toys go swimming, what you need is this: 


After a bit of internet searching, I ran off to Fred Meyers (Sammi and I used their toilets -- whew, thank goodness!) and got an Auger for about $10.00. They were in the plumbing section. 

I found this "How to use a toilet Auger" video on youtube, which I found extremely helpful. . . .

The main thing I learned is you just have to keep doing it, it may take quite a few attempts. I think it was on my 10th-15th attempt that it finally pushed the toy through. 

I was so proud of myself. 

Flushing the toilet never sounded so good. 

And just a few days ago, Henry made another offering. Toilet clogged. I used the Auger and out popped a pen. Silly boy. 

So, if you have a clog that the plunger can't handle, then give the Auger a try . . . it might just save you from spending some serious money on a plumber! 

Hooray for the internet! 


  1. Way to go Mari! You come from a long line of do-it-yourself ladies. Carry on!!


  2. That picture of Henry is hilarious! Looks like the auger is a good investment.:)
